Invest in Southwest Airlines...
Past 4-5 months me and my father we’re getting into day trading due to COVID giving many people opportunities to purchase shares at a discount and make good money as a result. We’ve started small (like about $100) now we’re trading at least like $1000 per stock while making some decent money here and there. We mostly conducted our research before investing (Carefully a***yzing the stock itself, watching multiple YouTube videos) and were in a healthy position. We ramped up our balance too, starting out with 3k but my father transferred his money over and took a loan out on top, totaling well over 50k as the amount to invest.
Like a month or two later, we were watching the stock NAT as it was moving up consistently Day by day bases, gained hype by multiple Youtubers too and sounded promising due to the oil situation (This was back in April/May). At some point, my father put about $42,000 into the stock itself and it went up, but start going down and down, eventually plummeting into oblivion. This resulted into painful $18,000 loss, along with other bags he had which failed to go up and totaled into $25,000 loss at some point.
F*** man I’m starting to get stressed out as my fathers has been acting upset for the past week and the stock’s earning will be out by tomorrow morning. I pray it’ll go up, and not plummet again.
I know everyone will make fun of him for being a “dumbass” and not trading well, but I feel very bad about the situation and taught me a lot. Our bags have been a result of us not timing the trades well, FOMO, and just buying additional shares to DCA it.
This is something that I wanted to get off my chest, I HOPE it’ll go up tomorrow f*** man
How did it pan out op?
let your dad know theirs bigger losers out there. my dad sold stocks when biden won because he feared that the market would tank. lost out on $100k+ of profit
I've yet to see a billionaire day trader.
It’s stupid to day trade once you got like tens of millions or whatever. Just put that s*** in a fund with stable growth and you would make enough money a year that you never even have to work again
the only stock that's been performing to me recently is tsla but damn at least im not op