If I’ve learned one thing from ktt
Investing in oil stocks drives people to madness
When he’s going over the trends at the end omfg
We’ve already diversified to certain extent and my fathers hasn’t pulled out of his stocks with major losses, but it sucks they aren’t going anywhere
OP he needa pull out before u made this thread
If I’ve learned one thing from ktt
Investing in oil stocks drives people to madness
If you invest your entire net worth into one thing you’re pretty much asking to go broke
Diversify... and don’t be afraid to listen to your financial friends’ advice on this
I’m just happy gold broke $2000 an ounce today
Cant relate my family has been invested in Amazon for 4 years
Wen stonks plummet do u go in debt or just lose?
Usually you just lose (granted if you already had the money and are normal), if you take out a loan and then can't pay it back.....
Just stocks were holding onto because we don’t wanna pull out and lose money, that are already down
Need an update
it’s over
i lost 140k one time in crypto
feel ur pain bro
i lost 140k one time in crypto
feel ur pain bro
140k?! I’d be ready to kill myself
140k?! I’d be ready to kill myself
technically i didn’t lose any money since i put 2k into crypto in 2013 but i was up 148k and sold like 3-4% at the top and it fell 142k over the span of 3 years
i definitely did get a little suicidal at first but you grow to accept it