  • Jan 18, 2023

    If the transportation is taking me a 5 hour walk from my destination, and it's a 6 hour walk from my original location, I'm going to walk.

    that's dumb

  • Jan 23, 2023

    It’s funny because the public transportation metaphor can be extended to the wealthy: they can just fly to their destination and wouldn’t ever step foot on one of the routes they half ass for the poors because it doesn’t affect them

  • Jan 23, 2023

    If the transportation is taking me a 5 hour walk from my destination, and it's a 6 hour walk from my original location, I'm going to walk.

    Just buy a car

  • Feb 3, 2023
    1 reply

    Political consciousness is just too low. But it's like that by design. People still think you elect and President, and all your problems are suppose to start going away. It takes at least 3 general election cycles to see real actionable, and sustainable change. That means you have to be committed to pushing your agenda for at least 12 years, foot on their neck. Just getting the person you want elected has never been enough. You have to make sure they do what they were elected to do.

    I think this has improved since my childhood days, is that people need to place a much bigger emphasis on the importance of their local politics. Not just Governors, and Senators. But Mayors, DAs, Judges, House Representatives, City Comptroller, Aldermen, etc. These positions affect peoples day to day, but your average person wouldn't be able to name who represents their district/ward/neighborhood.

    Cliché but "Think globally, act locally."

  • Feb 4, 2023
    Mr Motion

    Political consciousness is just too low. But it's like that by design. People still think you elect and President, and all your problems are suppose to start going away. It takes at least 3 general election cycles to see real actionable, and sustainable change. That means you have to be committed to pushing your agenda for at least 12 years, foot on their neck. Just getting the person you want elected has never been enough. You have to make sure they do what they were elected to do.

    I think this has improved since my childhood days, is that people need to place a much bigger emphasis on the importance of their local politics. Not just Governors, and Senators. But Mayors, DAs, Judges, House Representatives, City Comptroller, Aldermen, etc. These positions affect peoples day to day, but your average person wouldn't be able to name who represents their district/ward/neighborhood.

    Cliché but "Think globally, act locally."

    Will yeah. The president can only do so much. I think people know that now more than they did 10 years ago.