  • Jul 26, 2023
    MVP Pinhead

    1. most internships are indeed all petty s***, consider yourself lucky if you touch any real work

    2. unpaid internships are a scam. they should not exist

    but since it’s for a class just suck it up man

    Even if they ban unpaid ones I feel like it will all shift to class based, making it not only unpaid, but you have to pay for the credit lmao

  • Jul 26, 2023

    Jus go freelance

  • Jul 26, 2023

    Rt bro

    Music industry AINT S***

    if u can't do it all on ur own or with ur team u mighta as well quit. Cus this s*** don't lead nowhere

  • Jul 26, 2023
    1 reply

    Niggas b mixing their own s*** now I feel like unless ur absolutely cracked being an engineer dont rly work

  • Jul 30, 2023
    1 reply

    sometimes you gotta give head to get ahead

  • Jul 31, 2023

    sometimes you gotta give head to get ahead

  • Jul 31, 2023
    1 reply

    Get/request a new internship. Or get some balls and ask if theres more yoi can do. Tell them youre already experienced to the degree you daid you are. Thays your two options.

    Also i thot internships you dont get paid why you surprised?

    Also why didnt you research where you gonna be interning at?


  • Jul 31, 2023
    Water Giver

    Get/request a new internship. Or get some balls and ask if theres more yoi can do. Tell them youre already experienced to the degree you daid you are. Thays your two options.

    Also i thot internships you dont get paid why you surprised?

    Also why didnt you research where you gonna be interning at?


    damn take a deep breath who cares

  • Jul 31, 2023

    First page full of a bunch of negative Nancy's...

    Try to create your own projects in your free time. If you got some equipment, turn it on n mess with it (if you're allowed). Learn the interface or maybe try mixing some songs or create something. Just don't mess with s*** that is essential to the operation unless you absolutely know what youre doing. Misconfiguring one obscure thing could cause a chain reaction that is hard to pin point.

    If you're not allowed to do any of that cool stuff, then yeah it was probably kind of a waste BUT you got an easy credit for the internship. Yeah it could've been an opportunity to learn a lot, but you'll learn on the real job anyways.

  • Jul 31, 2023
    1 reply

    Niggas b mixing their own s*** now I feel like unless ur absolutely cracked being an engineer dont rly work

    Mixing your own stuff isn't even that hard tbh.

    Make sure each instrument is on it's own audio track and EQ each individual one until it sounds good to your ear right?

  • Jul 31, 2023
    Pusha P

    Mixing your own stuff isn't even that hard tbh.

    Make sure each instrument is on it's own audio track and EQ each individual one until it sounds good to your ear right?

    That s*** is wayyyyyyy more complicated.

    Compression and leveling is the main thing

    Eq is important but the order u add effects completely determined the final sound. U gotta know what order to use which effects

    Also if u don't wanna sound ass u gonna need to address tone and presence via reverb delay etc. Can go beyond add aux tracks with different effects

  • Aug 1, 2023

    Sounds like a studio internship

  • Aug 1, 2023


    make friends around the studio... bros expecting to be fed with a silver spoon foh

    watch this s*** and be grateful
