  • May 19, 2021
    3 replies

    Real s***? Shroom user here

    Acid is more controllable

  • May 19, 2021

    Acid is more controllable

    I’d say acid has more of that autopilot feel.

  • May 19, 2021

    Had a whole ass panic attack on shrooms cause the girl I took them with literally passed out while standing after hitting the blunt, kept it cool long enough to make sure she was straight but goddamn did that f*** me up for a while

  • def always preferred my shrooms trip but all my acid trips have been invaluable tho. Shrooms just feel so much more calmer and i'm totally back to normal at end of it. Acid like 2 day thing to recover from

  • mosh

    How comparable is acid to shrooms? Asking as someone who has tried shrooms and had a handful of good trips

    digital to a***og but both tap into the same energy in your mind

  • May 19, 2021

    Acid is more controllable


  • Shrooms are a mf s*** had me so f***ing depressed which is crazy cause I wasn’t even feeling down before but it’s like once I stopped laughing, and stayed to myself, the whole mood just changed instantly.

  • That was the only time I ever felt off tho

  • May 19, 2021

    shrooms are a MOTHERFUCKER

  • May 19, 2021

    seen the mayans

  • May 19, 2021


  • May 19, 2021

    How comparable is acid to shrooms? Asking as someone who has tried shrooms and had a handful of good trips

    Acid is way more intense to me

  • May 19, 2021


    You hell

  • May 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Acid is more controllable

    I feel the opposite

    I remember the last time I was on acid I was at a Wendy’s and a thought came through my head

    “I feel like an animal out of a cage. The amount of freedom I have right now to do whatever I want is insane”

  • May 19, 2021

    Acid imo is the greatest d***. Shrooms may be up there but I've yet to try them. But acid has done nothing but great things for me mentally and emotionally.

  • I 100% disagree. For me, acid is a lot more safe, fun and just kind of a surface level thing that makes you see cool s***. Obviously, I’m speaking very generally, and it will still f*** you up.

    Shrooms will suck your soul out and confront you with it.

  • May 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Bruh lmao You don’t know I’m talking about

    okay then what are you talking about

  • May 19, 2021

    Also acid and shrooms aren't inherently stronger than one another it all depends on dosage. I've found that a tab of acid is equivalent to about 3 grams of shrooms

  • May 19, 2021
    1 reply

    okay then what are you talking about

    Gold caps are a type of mushroom... but, they aren’t like especially more potent or anything so idk what he’s on about

    Must have got a good batch lol

  • May 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Why would you do this

    it was the first week of the pandemic and all of my homies left my apartment but one, and he was doing a Saw marathon so I thought why the hell not, I remeber geeking hard as f*** at the traps, plus shrooms is a psychoactive d*** so i was booted for liek 8 hours and watch them all, even the Jigsaw one

  • May 19, 2021
    master chief

    it was the first week of the pandemic and all of my homies left my apartment but one, and he was doing a Saw marathon so I thought why the hell not, I remeber geeking hard as f*** at the traps, plus shrooms is a psychoactive d*** so i was booted for liek 8 hours and watch them all, even the Jigsaw one

  • May 19, 2021
    2 replies
    Buckleys Angel

    Gold caps are a type of mushroom... but, they aren’t like especially more potent or anything so idk what he’s on about

    Must have got a good batch lol

    Bruh gold caps is the street term for shrooms that have higher potency they are shrooms that are jacked up y’all some herbs lmao

  • May 19, 2021
    2 replies

    Bruh gold caps is the street term for shrooms that have higher potency they are shrooms that are jacked up y’all some herbs lmao

    Sounds like your dealer needed some extra money 😂

    If you’re talking pure street terms, purple caps are more potent anyway

    Maybe that’s how they call things where you’re from, but not sure why you’d assume that’s universal or try to be a d*** about it

  • May 19, 2021
    Buckleys Angel
    · edited

    Sounds like your dealer needed some extra money 😂

    If you’re talking pure street terms, purple caps are more potent anyway

    Maybe that’s how they call things where you’re from, but not sure why you’d assume that’s universal or try to be a d*** about it

    Nah bruh lmao you don’t know what’s up in LA that’s how it goes