it's crazy bumping a thread you dislike which will just end up giving it more visibility.
Imagine a pimp trafficker like Tate that used a factory of revolving camgirls to scam a bunch of men out of their money judging anyone else as some sort of arbitur of morality
Imagine a pimp trafficker like Tate that used a factory of revolving camgirls to scam a bunch of men out of their money judging anyone else as some sort of arbitur of morality
Even a broken clock is right twice a Day
all these popular streamers are just clout demons with no talent
Andrew tate himself got rich from ripping off P***addicts with his webcam business where he himself was talking to them
Via chat acting like he was the girl on screen
This is hypocrisy on the highest level
if you needed andrew tate to make you realize that a lot of these streamers are dumb
idk man.
I honestly don’t care but people that never been to jail really need to stop wishing that on people
If Ted Bundy said murdering was bad bet OP would eat that right up
Come on if we start dismissing people based on their past or problematic behaviors we might as well cancel half of the people being idolized in pop culture or being taught in school. I don't care about tate specially, i just found insightful what he said and i just wanted to share it. It's important for someone who has a common audience with most of these toxic streamers to rebuke what they do even if it might sound hypocritical.
He spittin.
But also that’s just how the entertainment industry works. Don’t hate the player hate the game
Come on if we start dismissing people based on their past or problematic behaviors we might as well cancel half of the people being idolized in pop culture or being taught in school. I don't care about tate specially, i just found insightful what he said and i just wanted to share it. It's important for someone who has a common audience with most of these toxic streamers to rebuke what they do even if it might sound hypocritical.
F*** off
He’s a trafficker