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  • Sep 29, 2023
    We Live

    You can dislike or hate the man but i think it's cool for a man like him to denounce all the buffoonery happening in the streaming community since a lot of popular streamers like adin or sneako look up to him.

    Even the man he's calling out agree to some extent

    Literally only doing this to save face and look like a “good guy” so he can get a reduced prison sentence for being a s***trafficker

  • Sep 29, 2023

    Y'all love b****ing and complaining so much about people y'all claim to hate lol

    and using a platform twitter ran by a racist and then sayin they'll never leave

  • Sep 29, 2023

    Y'all love b****ing and complaining so much about people y'all claim to hate lol

    Fr people are so weird saying negative things about a topic which they have negative thoughts about

  • Sep 29, 2023
    1 reply

    Isn't he exactly that himself lol

    Yes lol and manipulating the young stream community of teens and young 20 somethings is how he spreaded his name the most

  • Sep 29, 2023

    Wow Tate the only one with this so original thought we def never had this discourse or idea before Tate and need to go to Tate specifically for this unique original insight!

  • Sep 29, 2023
    1 reply

    Has anyone told Tate that Matrix is just a movie and its mainly a metaphor about being transgender btw & that the sisters that made Matrix are transitioned yet

  • Sep 29, 2023
    1 reply

    Y'all love b****ing and complaining so much about people y'all claim to hate lol

    Yes that would make sense as those you hate you are going to complain about

  • Sep 29, 2023
    Water Giver

    Yes lol and manipulating the young stream community of teens and young 20 somethings is how he spreaded his name the most

    I really dont get how people even go to this guy for advice like all his talking points are just re hashed stuff we've heard a hundred of times before

    Its so obvious

  • Sep 29, 2023
    Water Giver

    Has anyone told Tate that Matrix is just a movie and its mainly a metaphor about being transgender btw & that the sisters that made Matrix are transitioned yet

    I guarantee he knows that by now but also know none of his followers do

  • Sep 29, 2023
    4 replies

    Y'all love b****ing and complaining so much about people y'all claim to hate lol

    what does this post mean? it sounds like its pointing something out but it isn't anything

    'yall CLAIM to hate tate but just complain and talk about how much you don't like him '

    yes that is logically consistent. that is what that means. thats what people do about things they hate. historically - for centuries - when people hate things, they complain about them

  • Sep 29, 2023

    all his points are valid
    he's bringing back masculinity

  • Sep 29, 2023
    1 reply
    · edited

    what does this post mean? it sounds like its pointing something out but it isn't anything

    'yall CLAIM to hate tate but just complain and talk about how much you don't like him '

    yes that is logically consistent. that is what that means. thats what people do about things they hate. historically - for centuries - when people hate things, they complain about them

  • Sep 29, 2023
    Smacked Voodoo

  • Sep 29, 2023

    we will not be watching

  • Sep 29, 2023
    1 reply

    what does this post mean? it sounds like its pointing something out but it isn't anything

    'yall CLAIM to hate tate but just complain and talk about how much you don't like him '

    yes that is logically consistent. that is what that means. thats what people do about things they hate. historically - for centuries - when people hate things, they complain about them

    Snowflakes always out here trying to police people from criticizing the things and people they like

    That comment has literally been said by my Qanon lite parents about Trump/mtg/bobo/etc for 8 years now

  • Sep 29, 2023

    people wanna take this above it all, above the fray, enlightened stance (when it comes to people disliking a s***trafficker, mind you)

    but don't even know how to formulate the way they want to present that

    'yall claim to hate tate but also post about how you dislike him'

    like woah, mindblowing stuff

  • Sep 29, 2023

    If he truthfully was about this "masculinity" s*** and "alpha male" energy he wouldn't be concerned with what other people are doing

  • Sep 29, 2023

    Especially complaining about what women are doing

    Complaining and whining all the time while claiming you're a dominant male is some hilarious stuff

  • Nort 💫
    Sep 29, 2023

    reminds me of this dril classic

  • Knx

    Damn the grifter got you?

    bro acting like there are no other clocks

  • Nort 💫
    Sep 29, 2023

    im crying bro you just like me

  • Sep 29, 2023

    what does this post mean? it sounds like its pointing something out but it isn't anything

    'yall CLAIM to hate tate but just complain and talk about how much you don't like him '

    yes that is logically consistent. that is what that means. thats what people do about things they hate. historically - for centuries - when people hate things, they complain about them

    Just don't enter the damn thread if ya hate it so much lol

  • Sep 29, 2023
    2 replies

    Yes that would make sense as those you hate you are going to complain about

    There are few people in the media space who I have a strong distaste for. I just choose to ignore them whenever mentioned in anyway shape or form 🤷🏿‍♂️ like bruh we know he's a piece of s*** already lol the entire first page is just dunking on this nigga when y'all could've just ignored it.

    This your internet though you can do whatever you want

  • Sep 29, 2023

    Snowflakes always out here trying to police people from criticizing the things and people they like

    That comment has literally been said by my Qanon lite parents about Trump/mtg/bobo/etc for 8 years now

    Who the f*** is qnon

  • Sep 29, 2023
    1 reply

    what does this post mean? it sounds like its pointing something out but it isn't anything

    'yall CLAIM to hate tate but just complain and talk about how much you don't like him '

    yes that is logically consistent. that is what that means. thats what people do about things they hate. historically - for centuries - when people hate things, they complain about them

    yup he stupid as f

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