I like Alfredo but King's Disease is a more well rounded album in terms of what should win a music award imo.. it has a blend of more production styles, tackles more subjects (personal and social) and is just a more uplifting listening experience.
I havent even heard this album
explains a lot.. Drake stans should actually love King's Disease
explains a lot.. Drake stans should actually love King's Disease
nasir was so trash on nas side to me
I have zero interest to hear a album from him again
nasir was so trash on nas side to me
I have zero interest to hear a album from him again
Your loss.
Isn't this the white rapper stan who got banned for racism @Teal_
i always get him mixed up with the one with the rihanna avi. but the one i'm talking about gets away with the racism
I should relisten to kings disease can’t tell if it was actually great or I was super impressed that he bounced backed from Nasir
Terrace Martin confirmed that Black Messiah inspired TPAB. TPAB ended up being more influential bc it was a much bigger album.. but it was lowkey Black Messiah that started the wave.
No doubt
I meant TPAB did that for mainstream acts of today hence why I said Beyonce and Justin
Like beyonce was there when black messiah came out, tragedies for black America and other minorities kept happening her entire life but she chose the later half of 2010s to put her art to use for it???
Miss carter, we're not dumb and we're
not blind
they're taking his influence in a superficial way - basically phoning in their "activism" for critical acclaim - it's a chess move for them imo
I havent even heard this album