no basketball until october.
Jj became such a fruit it’s ridiculous
Him and mcafee
ESPN got a fetish for bozo crackas
U have a funny way of showing it
Why would I hate a player who helped my small market team win a ring? I just think the discourse around him is ridiculous when we peaked with that team and the same ppl who praise him now hated on him when he was a buck throwing up bricks in the playoffs
Idk youd need a guy who can command two on the ball and still dish about 8 assists per game and guard 1-5
No bullshit I think y'all could do it with like Randle or Ingram
The only thing Tatum has in common with Kobe is not getting finals mvp in his first title
No bullshit I think y'all could do it with like Randle or Ingram
too bad we'll never know and tatum is a champion
The only thing Tatum has in common with Kobe is not getting finals mvp in his first title
this will be tatum's last
Tatum the only star I’ve seen whose stock has gone down after winning a ring
That KG impression was terrible
im removing myself from this world if i wake up to the sixers giving long term max contract to old ass paul george
too bad we'll never know and tatum is a champion
It's meant to be a compliment to the overall roster construction
No bullshit I think y'all could do it with like Randle or Ingram
u sound petty af
@Mechanical u seeing my hoes because our periods in sync