Who is the worst player you could replace Tatum with for the Celtics to still win in 5 games
Tobias Harris
that's crazy for pritchard imagine hitting that shot in the finals
Second time he hit it too
u sound petty af
Read the post above yours
that's crazy for pritchard imagine hitting that shot in the finals
Imagine telling your grandkids
Tatum the only star I’ve seen whose stock has gone down after winning a ring
That KG impression was terrible
Guy played like Hélà ass all series, we ain't tryna see no tweets from you gang
Guy played like Hélà ass all series, we ain't tryna see no tweets from you gang
Guy played like Hélà ass all series, we ain't tryna see no tweets from you gang
Guy played like Hélà ass all series, we ain't tryna see no tweets from you gang
Folded under pressure. One of the last guys you'd want it to happen to
Tobias Harris
im a big tatum hater, but an even bigger tobi hater. this just isn't true, im sorry.
Guy played like Hélà ass all series, we ain't tryna see no tweets from you gang
i am
i love kyrie
Who is the worst player you could replace Tatum with for the Celtics to still win in 5 games
Folded under pressure. One of the last guys you'd want it to happen to
hes 32
Folded under pressure. One of the last guys you'd want it to happen to
The last?
Him and mcafee
ESPN got a fetish for bozo crackas
They’ll say whatever to appeal to youngns
Honestly this is a pretty good answer
Yo Brad!!