The last?
Anyone on my own team not named Giddey
that's crazy for pritchard imagine hitting that shot in the finals
Real thoroughbred cracker
hes 32
I was rooting for him
Who is the worst player you could replace Tatum with for the Celtics to still win in 5 games
Last szn Jalen green
Recreate the pic Tatum
Do it
Kinda wish Denver was in the finals. No way they lose to the Celtics
Clean sweep no questions asked
Last szn Jalen green
Lmfaooo come on
Why would I hate a player who helped my small market team win a ring? I just think the discourse around him is ridiculous when we peaked with that team and the same ppl who praise him now hated on him when he was a buck throwing up bricks in the playoffs
U tell me dude you the one who throws shots at him all the time lmaooo
Guy played like Hélà ass all series, we ain't tryna see no tweets from you gang
Kinda wish Denver was in the finals. No way they lose to the Celtics
They wouldn't have lasted any longer than Dallas did. This Denver team was ass
Great guy. Well deserved
Recreate the pic Tatum
Do it
He looking for the jacket
We’ve seen Tatum’s dad (next to his mom at that). Only thing missing is his baby mama. Where she at
Shoutout to my fellow OG’s from KTT1 @Synopsis @hyphy03
them long days on draft express worth it
draft time