This album is in my top 3 for 2020 and Yves Tumor combines so many rock elements on this album.
hints of glam , soul , even britpop ,psych, and a amazing palette that was harmonized well throughout the album.
I'm just hungry for more records or albums that sounds close to the songs I've heard on the album
Songs like Strawberry Privilege, Kerosene , Super Stars, Dream Palette , A greater love, identity trade, Everything is sugary and sweet asf.
If you have any other recommendations that have the energy closely to this album , from decades ago or now please list some in this thread.
This as well, only vid of youtube of the two albums in full albeit live but you can listen on streaming
This as well, only vid of youtube of the two albums in full albeit live but you can listen on streaming
didn't know this band at all but I'm digging this rn
didn't know this band at all but I'm digging this rn
one of the best 'emo' bands ever
first two albums were heavily 90s hardcore/emo sounds, then they switched to post rock
low level owl (what I linked) was given a 9/10 by p4k and has been repressed numerous times on vinyl
one of the best 'emo' bands ever
first two albums were heavily 90s hardcore/emo sounds, then they switched to post rock
low level owl (what I linked) was given a 9/10 by p4k and has been repressed numerous times on vinyl
!!'m not big on emo at all, I'm not sure if I'll dig the studio version if the vocals aren't as low in the mix on there lol. That Parannoul album from this year was one of the first emo primary things on rym I enjoyed, but also just because the vocals are low in the mix That live recording is hard tho, I dig the punk-y edge added to post-rock. Interesting P4k were hyping them
not really similar but i think @op will like it
listen to purple resin, especially the deluxe with all the s*** cut out.
that era of prince from like 80-84 i think may be closed you get that really holds on to the rock influence tight, without ever losing its rhythm/soul/idk that feeling
not really similar but i think @op will like it
eartheater can’t recommend enough
i know this album is semi popular but idk mane
i feel like this should be one of the most well known albums from last year. it’s damn near perfect pop music
For glam probably Roxy Music - For Your Pleasure
Yves really delivered a brilliant album