I'm afraid it's very French Canadian lmao
Beautiful tho
!https://youtu.be/hs5hOhI4pEEit’s beautiful
he’s not singing french canadian so it’s fine
it’s beautiful
he’s not singing french canadian so it’s fine
Leonard Cohen is really amazing !
Do the France French hate the Quebec French as much as the rest of Canada?
yeh id fight them tbh
Isn't he?
well imean it’s just french he’s not using french canadian slangs or terms
he even says he has france with him?
that’s not french canadian of him
well imean it’s just french he’s not using french canadian slangs or terms
he even says he has france with him?
that’s not french canadian of him
It's a world war one folk song so its probably France French tbh
I've fought them many time lol so obnoxious
even their face is just punchable idk
16. For a short period in 1966, Neil even shared a Toronto apartment with Rick James. Remembering the experience in an interview with Howard Stern, Neil said, “We did some wild things. It’s all very hazy to me now. I’m glad I made it through that stage. It got a little dicey. There were some d**** going on. I remember singing one song for about a day and a half.”
Okay I promise this is the last one. This is kinda cool
It's a world war one folk song so its probably France French tbh
my man cohen knows where to stand
He’s a king
@cyberkid2000 GET ITT
Have you heard Avalanche
yeh i don’t like listening to it tho it triggers some emotions
wasnt able to really get into leonard so far