@Ithaka I'm ready for a second Neil Young album
@Ithaka do you agree that After the Gold Rush should be the choice?
@Ithaka do you agree that After the Gold Rush should be the choice?
i appreciate this democratic take
yes id say so
20. In 1966 Neil developed epilepsy, and began to have seizures with increased frequency – often while on stage with Buffalo Springfield.
63. As mutual admirers and friends, Neil Young and Bob Dylan have both mentioned each other in songs. In the Greendale track “Bandit,” Neil sings, “No one can touch you now / but I can touch you now / you’re invisible / you got too many secrets / Bob Dylan said that / somethin’ like that.” And on “Flags of Freedom,” off 2006’s Living With War, Young sings, “Listening to Bob Dylan singin’ in 1963 / Watching the flags of freedom flying.” On Dylan’s “Highlands,” the closer to 1997’s Time out of Mind, Bob sings, “I’m listening to Neil Young / I gotta turn up the sound / someone’s always yelling turn it down.”
Bob visitied Neil's childhood home just sit in his room for a bit trying to channel Yung Neil did the same with Lennon
thread pulling numbers way too fast
everything i do is pulling too fast
Bob visitied Neil's childhood home just sit in his room for a bit trying to channel Yung Neil did the same with Lennon
first hang over your harvest review 🌙
Heart of gold
Old man
Are the tracks that stood out to me
I'd rate it a 7/10
23. He’s never revealed who the real “Cinnamon Girl” is.
it's @DonutHole
25. Although Neil famously joined Crosby, Stills & Nash to form Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, he was not actually the first choice for the job. Hoping to add a keyboard player to the group, Atlantic Records initially approached Steve Winwood, who was tied up with his newly formed supergroup Blind Faith.
come on bro how hard is it to make folk songs with harmonies with cs&n i thought he was a folk artist
The folk traditions do not run deep in coked out bloated wannabe hendrix douchebags. Neil recognized this.
23. He’s never revealed who the real “Cinnamon Girl” is.
let me call neil real quick and ask him
25. Although Neil famously joined Crosby, Stills & Nash to form Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, he was not actually the first choice for the job. Hoping to add a keyboard player to the group, Atlantic Records initially approached Steve Winwood, who was tied up with his newly formed supergroup Blind Faith.
winwood would have been such a mismatch with them lol
Heart of gold
Old man
Are the tracks that stood out to me
I'd rate it a 7/10
after the goldrush next