I enjoy this one a lot as well
an essential track to learn if you're playing the guitar
it’s true it’s a great album. They only have cinnamon girl now on apple off of it which makes no sense.
there's a glitch with apple music rn idk if you're aware. it's taken down whole albums from artists and s***
there's a glitch with apple music rn idk if you're aware. it's taken down whole albums from artists and s***
Wow this makes sense thank you for telling me I hope this gets fixed for sure
I thought this would be some country s*** but are u ready for the country does not sound like a country song but this album is amazing so far
they all big fans in the ny camp
neil young:
His music definitely affected mine — the harmonies. Of course I never played in a band that could sing like that.
(talking about the bbs song) "A Day in the Life of a Tree": Brian's a genius…it's a great song, man.
graham nash (neil young other big famous project neil young crosby stills and nash):
Beian was way advanced of what anybody was doing at that point. And I think the Beatles recognized that and I think every harmony group in the world recognized that there was some different thing going on — something very sophisticated.
and david crosby:
He was the most highly regarded pop musician in America, hands down. Everybody by that time had figured out who was writing and arranging it all. "In My Room" was the defining point for me. When I heard it, I thought "I give up — I can't do that — I'll never be able to do that.
One of the hallmarks of Brian Wilson’s genius is to turn powerful emotions and terrible tragedy into life-affirming art that helps and heals. Music that in our darkest moments gives us hope and soothes our soul.
I owe Brian. We all do. Everybody in American pop music owes him. He was the first and one of the best. ... He pushed the envelope in pop music. He changed what was possible in pop music.
I thought this would be some country s*** but are u ready for the country does not sound like a country song but this album is amazing so far
he like has one feet on the folk and the other on the country he’s kinda mixed in there but his imagery and what he fights for is def country
im jealous of you rn
Man I’m kinda mind blown rn.
Welfare Mothers reminds me of a Bowie song, just fantastic stuff
Man I’m kinda mind blown rn.
Welfare Mothers reminds me of a Bowie song, just fantastic stuff
i need to hear your reaction to the final track when you get there
I was vibing along and that took things up a notch fr
some of my favorite essential classics that havent already been posted
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOgSTD7Kjrw!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSWxU-mirqg!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6RZY4Ar3fw!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L86gQQBYSc4!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwnFCri0zD0!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=331kyZ9OXMc!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNl13t9ZtmA!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EA2BNB_4m3gtell my why
i hope Chromatics introduced some younger fans to him with their cover:
God the second half of this album really ratchets up the guitar man. Sedan Delivery could has a punk vibe to it.
I was vibing along and that took things up a notch fr
one of his best he still plays it live and man that s*** G O E S
God the second half of this album really ratchets up the guitar man. Sedan Delivery could has a punk vibe to it.
he’s not named grandfather of grunge for nothing!
they really doing Neil a disservice though with the pic they chose for his Spotify page
they really doing Neil a disservice though with the pic they chose for his Spotify page
the gif i wanted to use for op isn’t working bc it’s some tumblr format
there’s a photo of ny i have to find where he’s rocking a sonic youth shirt or hat when he was touring with them
s***s dope