ye got so many yes men around him. scared to even disagree with him.
dude talking about flying cars and being moses
we really let him get away this insane s*** cuz he mad graduation
this was such an intimate and raw look at ye fr
more so than jeenyuhs imo
by not editorializing it really gives you a raw look at him. there were moments where i was like this man is a legend, and others where i was like
Everything and Simple Things sounded so much better on here than what we got on the Nas album, they sounded so muddy on there
Listening to Travis try to form sentences is something else
he just always fried and sounds that way to me tbh.
The scene where Kim just looking out the window enjoying the scenery and then it pans to Kanye going over all this s*** for his city felt like we were trapped in his mind, just constantly racing
I’m 100% convinced he was in the midst of an episode there. Kim looked like she was going over a million scenarios in her head lol
Listen to everything in the doc vs what we got, instrumental sounds so much more vivid
He mentions drake is flying into wyoming in one of the scenes from 2018
I wish we got studio session footage of the two, theo prob has it
ye got so many yes men around him. scared to even disagree with him.
dude talking about flying cars and being moses
we really let him get away this insane s*** cuz he mad graduation
had the same thought during a lot of this
it's crazy no one around him challenges him. i would be annoyed af if i was him bc no one is genuine. how do you even discuss ideas if no one pushes back?
You’ve got to think this documentary is designed to showcase Kanye’s mind not people around him challenging his mind
I’m 100% convinced he was in the midst of an episode there. Kim looked like she was going over a million scenarios in her head lol
Sounded like an episode, he was ranting about when they took him to hospital “for having too many ideas”
dag. This is actually kinda painful cause this is the guy I remember. like right away his point about currency is a super profound, yet An obvious one we don' think about. This is the guy I grew up loving. I know he still gotta be in there somewhere. Thanks for the post, great stuff.
He never left. Alex Jones era was a chess move and he won.