  • Sep 25, 2023

    Showcases how fragmented it is

    Only geniuses can relate

  • Sep 25, 2023

    its actually incredible how many projects he works on at once that go seemingly nowhere and the amount of people he has working on them

  • Sep 25, 2023

    ye got so many yes men around him. scared to even disagree with him.

    dude talking about flying cars and being moses

    we really let him get away this insane s*** cuz he mad graduation

    crazy how we aren’t refreshed by the idea of a megastar actually using his resources to attempt to do innovative s***

    bro could just be going on a tour playing his classics over and over again and be loved by everyone picking up bags

    isn’t it even crazier that he is choosing flyin cars over that

  • Sep 25, 2023

    ye got so many yes men around him. scared to even disagree with him.

    dude talking about flying cars and being moses

    we really let him get away this insane s*** cuz he mad graduation

    whats exactly “insane” about flying cars tho

    it’s not that deep

  • Sep 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Wild how Travis of all people is telling Ye to chill on the s***bars
    I’ve never even heard Travis speak like this

  • Sep 25, 2023
    2 replies

    had the same thought during a lot of this

    it's crazy no one around him challenges him. i would be annoyed af if i was him bc no one is genuine. how do you even discuss ideas if no one pushes back?

    That’s why I like Tyler, he really told him what he thought about the color of those socks

  • Sep 25, 2023

    That’s why I like Tyler, he really told him what he thought about the color of those socks

    peeped that too, no d***rider vibes during that scene

  • Sep 25, 2023
    1 reply

    There's a weird dub when the girl asks Ye about the upcoming trip to Africa anyone noticed that?

    Ye answers back but there's an obvious dub of him saying "Africa" over what he really said. That whole trip to Uganda is a mystery

  • Sep 25, 2023

    That whole going back to Chicago period was so weird man.

    Had dude going on radio and crying his eyes out. Was so close to getting Yandhi

  • Sep 25, 2023
    2 replies

    Only an hour in. This is way better than that Jeen-Yuhs hit piece garbage man...

  • Sep 25, 2023
    1 reply

    re: the pushback, i didn’t get vibes no one wanted to push back on his ideas because they were scared of him

    i got the vibes they didn’t say anything in most cases because they thought he was crazy

  • Sep 25, 2023

    There's a weird dub when the girl asks Ye about the upcoming trip to Africa anyone noticed that?

    Ye answers back but there's an obvious dub of him saying "Africa" over what he really said. That whole trip to Uganda is a mystery

    That girl seemed heated as f***

  • Sep 25, 2023

    re: the pushback, i didn’t get vibes no one wanted to push back on his ideas because they were scared of him

    i got the vibes they didn’t say anything in most cases because they thought he was crazy

    They think he’s crazy, and because of that, they’re scared of him

  • Sep 25, 2023

    What is that last beat? its amazing

  • sponge 🧽
    Sep 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Only an hour in. This is way better than that Jeen-Yuhs hit piece garbage man...

    bro thinks jeen yuhs was a hit piece

  • Sep 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Wild how Travis of all people is telling Ye to chill on the s***bars
    I’ve never even heard Travis speak like this

    Which scene was this?

  • Sep 25, 2023
    1 reply
    no color

    Which scene was this?

    At the end
    Trav is like, you’re so raw and real, but maybe like, less threesomes and s***
    And then Kanye is like yeah, I was just listening to Yeezus and I’m like damn, this is really raunchy

  • Sep 25, 2023
    1 reply

    I hope Kanye finds peace. You can tell dudes mind was moving a mile a minute during this period of his life. It seems as if he was thinking in hyper speed. There was this sense of urgency in his thought process that felt so jarring to watch unfold. It just feels like he’s constantly operating in this state of “I have to prove it to you” and I wish someone was there to just tell Bruh like…you know you did it right? hahaha you made it Bruh. you’re a black billionaire married to Kim Kardashian. You did it dog. You owe no one nothing. You can rest now. Work on your clothes, flesh out your ideas, take care of your family and just ride off into the sunset. Like we get it dog. You’re a genius Visionary…we get it. You don’t have to build a 6000 sqft underground hyperbolic time chamber designed by Swedish architects made out of foam that also doubles as a bathroom sink in 2 months to prove it to us Bruh lol you don’t have to save the world.

  • Sep 25, 2023
    1 reply

    I hope Kanye finds peace. You can tell dudes mind was moving a mile a minute during this period of his life. It seems as if he was thinking in hyper speed. There was this sense of urgency in his thought process that felt so jarring to watch unfold. It just feels like he’s constantly operating in this state of “I have to prove it to you” and I wish someone was there to just tell Bruh like…you know you did it right? hahaha you made it Bruh. you’re a black billionaire married to Kim Kardashian. You did it dog. You owe no one nothing. You can rest now. Work on your clothes, flesh out your ideas, take care of your family and just ride off into the sunset. Like we get it dog. You’re a genius Visionary…we get it. You don’t have to build a 6000 sqft underground hyperbolic time chamber designed by Swedish architects made out of foam that also doubles as a bathroom sink in 2 months to prove it to us Bruh lol you don’t have to save the world.

    He needs to hear Savior by Kendrick like 10 times a day

  • JeffersonSteelflex

    He needs to hear Savior by Kendrick like 10 times a day

  • stillmids

    codes, codes, codes, codes

  • Sep 25, 2023
    1 reply

    @Yayo any chance u have a new l*nk

  • Sep 25, 2023
    2 replies

    That scene with North was powerful for like five different reasons
    “Yeah, I think those are like homeless people North”
    We’ve just seen him try to move Heaven and Earth, burning through a mountain of resources
    And now here he is with his kid, and he finally has nothing to say
    As she’s trying to make sense of a cold and confusing world
    And Kanye doesn’t want to come down to Earth
    There’s new worlds to build

  • Sep 25, 2023
    1 reply

    bro thinks jeen yuhs was a hit piece

    Thankful for the unseen footage

  • Sep 26, 2023

    At the end
    Trav is like, you’re so raw and real, but maybe like, less threesomes and s***
    And then Kanye is like yeah, I was just listening to Yeezus and I’m like damn, this is really raunchy


    I had trouble with the dialogue in some scenes, i wish we had a version with better sound mixing
