just a 4k hisense i got a couple of black fridays ago
p happy with it for the price tbh
big ass TV
seconding a retroid pocket 5 if u want an amazing OLED handheld and u don't care abt current-gen games . plus it being made for emulation means u can play like , the entire history of gaming on that s*** (ofc u can emulate on steam deck too but it's not quite as straightforward)
spring for that + a slightly cheaper OLED tv like an LG C1 over C4 , i've used both n the difference is marginal tbh . best of both worlds ! don't waste ur money on that tcl tho .
Steam Deck really seems awesome but it’s a 1.0 product. I would wait for Steam Deck 2
Earlier this year I switched from a 2018 Hisense to a C3. Easily the best tech purchase I’ve made all year
Did you get yours professionally calibrated or do it yourself?
Did you get yours professionally calibrated or do it yourself?
I followed this guide from resetera, doubt a professional calibration could make it look much better
Thread makes me feel like I’m the only mf still with a LED TV (Q80T) lol
It’s been good besides only having one HDMI 2.1 port & game mode kinda downgrading the image (I guess all TVs do this for better response times? Idk). Only got this because burn in scared me off from buying the LG CX back then.
Did you end up buying an OLED instead?
Birthday is coming up on December 2nd, and I’m debating between the two.
My current TV right now is nearly 7 years old (42” Hisense) and I keep it in my bedroom.
Was thinking about grabbing the LG C4, which is currently $899, but on the otherhand I really want to get a OLED Steam Deck (especially if it goes on sale on BF).
Honestly torn between the right rn.