album is decent though. Sure it could have been better, but i think its a nice touch to the amazing career he had- and a nice memory
the problem with posthumous albums is you never really know what changed after they died, but id like to think not much changed.
wish that X and Pop Smoke song was on there though. Remember DMX talking about it and he seemed quite proud of that feature
that bono song is complete s***. yikes.
with that being said, this album is much better than i expected it to be, being a posthumous album in all.
that bono song is complete s***. yikes.
with that being said, this album is much better than i expected it to be, being a posthumous album in all.
that’s the one with kanye that leaked
that’s the one with kanye that leaked
that s*** should've stayed in the vaults
that s*** should've stayed in the vaults
beat just so underdeveloped sounds like a first draft of a song
beat just so underdeveloped sounds like a first draft of a song
yup. s*** sounds like a brainstorm lol
I liked the album
Yeah, it could’ve definitely been improved in places but there’s enough there that I enjoy it.
I liked the album
Yeah, it could’ve definitely been improved in places but there’s enough there that I enjoy it.
This is how I feel too. I liked enough for me to come back for certain songs I added 6 songs for my regular car rotation playlist
On the 5th track. So far swizz is ruining this s*** for me
The first 2 tracks were hard, the weezy track was okay I guess but nothing special. The moneybag track is meh and the alecia keys song would be great if it wasn’t for that instrumental
this gon come n go so fast bruh
I liked the album
Yeah, it could’ve definitely been improved in places but there’s enough there that I enjoy it.
Better than I expected, his voice also sounded pretty good
bono is a strange feature for a f***in dmx album
but then again he was on damn
Letter to My Son
I like the album. Of course there’s some problems, but I enjoyed the album right to the end.
RIP X that’s my dog, yeah
that Bono track is trash. I swear I’ve heard it before.
Did Swizz recycle it?
Griselda, P and Lil Wayne murdered it
That Moneybagg track is heat, but X’s verse doesn’t fit the song. Maybe it’s the mixing
that Bono track is trash. I swear I’ve heard it before.
Did Swizz recycle it?
I remember this
This track’s old as f***. Can’t believe Swizz used it.
Idk if this been said itt yet but why does the melody of Letter To My Son heavily resemble this song...
2 listens deep, here’s my thoughts…
Way too much swizz on the first 3 tracks!
The first 2 tracks I like, but they’re a poor choice to start the album since X is barely on them
The Wayne and moneybag tracks I was kind of indifferent to on first listen, but I f***ed with them on the second listen, especially the moneybag track
Hold me down could’ve been a vintage X track if it wasn’t for the s***ty instrumental. The Bono instrumental was also a poor choice. X sounded pretty good vocally on both tracks, and both could’ve been good tracks if it wasn’t for the production
Hood blues again very little X And when he didn’t come in it wasn’t exactly the highlight of the song, but I do f*** with the track
Take control I didn’t expect to like but I really did, hook was hard and snoop didn’t ruin the track like I thought he would. Love the vibe of the song
The album finishes off nice. Didn’t realise there was a second feature from Nas, so that was a nice surprise and letter to my son was a good song to end the album on.
The two skits were kinda pointless and the prayer seemed like it was just kinda tacked onto the end.
In all better than I expected but not as good as it could’ve been if there were a couple of better production choices, if the sequencing was better and if swizz forgot to turn his mic on
The real sad thing is that X sounded great for the most part and it makes me wonder if he was about for the album how good it, and the albums that could’ve followed would be, he really seemed to be on his way back IMO