  • Jan 9

    Game is fun but it just reminds me why I stopped playing Overwatch. Too many stupid niggas queing up.

  • Need that Classic Hawkeye skin. Playing him before he loses his buff

  • Jan 9
    1 reply

    Really wanna dive deep and get better at this game what’s a good way to learn?

    So far i’m best with Iron Man and Black Panther

  • so much pain

    Really wanna dive deep and get better at this game what’s a good way to learn?

    So far i’m best with Iron Man and Black Panther

    No shame in watching top tier players on YouTube

  • Jan 9
    1 reply

    First time gettin mvp on comp

    I do have some questions about healers is there a healer that can heal constantly? i like to heal two people at once but with mantis there is a delayl for heals it feels like and it doesn't heal quickly enough either imo

    A character like mercy or somethin

  • Jan 9
    1 reply

    2nd game we got cooked, pains of solo queue?

    I started as Doctor Strange, and while I know I'm not great with tanks in this game, I made sure to get on the point and weakened at least two enemies. But my DPS was nowhere to be found the entire round. Then I switched to Starboy for the second round, and the same thing happened.

    One thing I’m not liking about competitive here is how unbalanced the matches feel. Either my team is completely stomping the other team, or we're getting destroyed. At least in Overwatch, matches felt more competitive.

    Nobody had a kill on my team for the entire first round

  • Jan 9

    First time gettin mvp on comp

    I do have some questions about healers is there a healer that can heal constantly? i like to heal two people at once but with mantis there is a delayl for heals it feels like and it doesn't heal quickly enough either imo

    A character like mercy or somethin

    Mantis is literally the best character in the game

    Daggers primary heals in an aoe area upon impact And she can keep spamming it but the healing effect is lower than Mantis or Luna

    Jeff's healing is a sustained water beam which I think what you are looking for? Can also drop healing bubbles

  • this game is really good man

  • it takes too long to find a comp match as well

    i may just main dps now tbh

    soon as i switch to starboy s*** dies

  • I dont remember who itt told my to try groot but he is better than i thought damage wise

    the walls im not too good at as you can see


  • Jan 10

    3 straight dubs and 2 mvps with the racoon '

    i damn near get more kills than dps when im playing him

  • Why does nobody seem to realize that C&D’s ult HEALS?! When I lay that s*** down, push the damn point!

  • Lamar

    2nd game we got cooked, pains of solo queue?

    I started as Doctor Strange, and while I know I'm not great with tanks in this game, I made sure to get on the point and weakened at least two enemies. But my DPS was nowhere to be found the entire round. Then I switched to Starboy for the second round, and the same thing happened.

    One thing I’m not liking about competitive here is how unbalanced the matches feel. Either my team is completely stomping the other team, or we're getting destroyed. At least in Overwatch, matches felt more competitive.

    Nobody had a kill on my team for the entire first round

    I just played like this lmaaaooo. It's always my opposite team whooping ass in f***ing bronze 3?

    I guess I really just need to learn 3 characters to switch up since my other teammates never do.

    1-10 dps.
    Low ass healers trying to be in front as well

  • Jan 10
    4 replies

    us supports really get blamed for everything

  • BVL

    us supports really get blamed for everything

    I never yell at support before I yell at DPS for not shooting and getting kills

  • Jan 10

    us supports really get blamed for everything

    just got to Lord on Rocket

  • Jan 10

    how it feels constantly healing but also throwing down the BRB and ammo overload (and CYA....) ((and throwing in a few headshots to enemy tanks))

  • BVL

    us supports really get blamed for everything

    S*** DPS are to blame 80% the time

  • Jan 10

    are the new classes out or do we got to wait a bit

  • Jan 10
    1 reply

    i got mister fantastic first game

  • Scatt

    i got mister fantastic first game

    hes insane

  • invisible white woman seems solid as a secondary support

  • Jan 10
    1 reply


  • Mr fantastic is fun, not enough to ditch my main but maybe I’ll learn him idk
