  • BVL

    us supports really get blamed for everything

    one game this guy kept spamming "need heal" and when he started shooting me in spawn i just threw his game lol he got quiet when i started throwing too

  • Jan 11

    lost 2 ranked matches back 2 back dominating the first round got to 99 percent 2nd rd both matches and we would just choke jesus


    iron man focusing supports we have king fu kenny and wolverine like tanks running in alone and dying just a mess

  • Is the game kinda buggy after the update or what? I keep getting stuck loading at 100% before matches

  • Jan 11

    4 comp loses in a row

    and thats the end of that for me

  • Jan 11

    Can't play comp with randos for s***

    Niggas cheeks and end up getting clapped

    May catch a win here and there in comp

  • Jan 11

    But then I just got two wins in a row with rondos but even roles

  • Jan 11

    Aint no way they put me back in Bronze 3 bro Im done

  • S***ter who went 1-8 and refused to get off dps during a ranked match immediately left after the game ended to evade ridicule. Went to his account to send a message telling him to delete the game and his account was private lmao.

    every time

    stick to quick play if you’re not playing to win

  • Jan 11
    1 reply

    first game with luna snow got mvp

    why would anyone use mantis over her

  • Jan 11

    I won 3 games in a row with luna, as soon as someone else locks her in we lose, next game i get her, we win

  • Jan 11
    2 replies

    Get gud bruh. He's perfect as is

    Get gud?

  • Jan 11
    1 reply

    Get gud?

    Then why the hell do you need a spidey buff I make sure I snare every spidey I see with Penni

  • Lamar

    first game with luna snow got mvp

    why would anyone use mantis over her

    hero is dummy broken lmao

  • Jan 11

    iron man stinks no damage but somehow annoying to play against

  • i hit grandmaster last season barely, solo queued and won like 9 in a row, felt very lucky but i was healing my ass off

  • Jan 11
    1 reply

    Get gud?


    whats ur best tips, do u use flashy bhops and animation cancels?

    im on controller and getting those down has been rough

  • Jan 12
    1 reply


    whats ur best tips, do u use flashy bhops and animation cancels?

    im on controller and getting those down has been rough

    There's lots of tips i could give for spidey but here's my main ones.
    1. Go after strategist or storm/iron man first then dip out and let ur abilities recharge after you did your damage or got ur kill.
    2. just go in and uppercut the other team if you miss all your webs just so they'll focus on you and you can possibly get them out of position
    3. Use your ult always its not easiest to get up and saving it for a big team wipe might fail since there's so many stuns. Don't be upset if you only get 1 or 2 ppl with it.

    as for the other stuff i just started using bhops and letting go off my web at the middle so i can get away faster. I still miss sometimes but it is useful tec to use. The stuff like overhead uppercut cancel tho? nah i don't use those spidey already hard enough to use and that shi makes him like 7 stars instead of 5

  • ragedsycokiller

    Then why the hell do you need a spidey buff I make sure I snare every spidey I see with Penni

    With his abilities as they are now there's times where its honestly better to just die and swing back to the field fast af then wait for his abilities to charge and just do nothing. Faster web recharging or uppercut is all i would want really.

  • Jan 12
    1 reply

    Yep he cold

    Was going for a 40 ball

  • Jan 12
    1 reply

    Yep he cold

    Was going for a 40 ball

    His heath capabilities

  • Jan 12
    1 reply

    why am i not earning battle pass points after completing matches

  • Lamar

    why am i not earning battle pass points after completing matches

    Have to do the challenges they give you

  • Jan 12

    Im bronze 1

  • Jan 12

    this is wack im having better team comp in f***in quickplay than ranked its always one tank and we just get destroyed

  • Jan 12
    1 reply

    captain america running right past everyone on my team and killing me people leaving cart i guess i wont be making it to gold in this game

    i wish this game had more solo carry heroes like overwatch
