  • Jan 12

    where do you see this?

    Just got to a hero's profile and see their abilities, it will be under there it's the last thing on the page.

  • Jan 12

    There's lots of tips i could give for spidey but here's my main ones.
    1. Go after strategist or storm/iron man first then dip out and let ur abilities recharge after you did your damage or got ur kill.
    2. just go in and uppercut the other team if you miss all your webs just so they'll focus on you and you can possibly get them out of position
    3. Use your ult always its not easiest to get up and saving it for a big team wipe might fail since there's so many stuns. Don't be upset if you only get 1 or 2 ppl with it.

    as for the other stuff i just started using bhops and letting go off my web at the middle so i can get away faster. I still miss sometimes but it is useful tec to use. The stuff like overhead uppercut cancel tho? nah i don't use those spidey already hard enough to use and that shi makes him like 7 stars instead of 5

    thank u for writing this up man

    im relieved the techs arent that important, a lot of them seem to have been nerfed as well

    super real for the ult tip, i go some games only doing it once or twice and absolutely flopping cause the whole team was prepared for it, id be much more use to the team if i kill just 1-2 healers with it

    i can reliably stay alive, track healthpacks and get kills but doing that crazy s*** where they zip -> uppercut -> pull a guy off the map, i can't for the life of me

  • Jan 12
    2 replies

    Anyone have any good general controller settings or reticle for PS5? I like mine, just curious to try some other stuff out

    i tried and tweaked from this guy's settings and they've worked miracles for me

    basically low sens, but higher max deadzone sensitivity boost, so u can aim reliably at the center of ur stick but the edges turn quickly

  • Jan 12

    as a spiderman main

    stop spamming 'i need heals' when ur flying across the map and completely out of line of sight

    learn the health packs

  • gabo

    i tried and tweaked from this guy's settings and they've worked miracles for me


    basically low sens, but higher max deadzone sensitivity boost, so u can aim reliably at the center of ur stick but the edges turn quickly

    Thank you, that sounds nice. Definitely going to give this a try

  • JJThaJuiceman

    C&D buffs are really good actually. I still don’t think they really needed the buff like that, but I’m not complaining

    Invisible Woman is also a really dope healer, she’s really good.

    What I wasn’t expecting was f***ing with Mr. Fantastic the way I’ve been. This nigga is a tank pretty much he does not die lol. Idk about that ultimate tho

    Mr Fantastic so annoying to play against cause he can feel like a tank even though he’s not lol. Took me a minute to get the hang of him properly but I’m starting to enjoy using him

  • Jan 12
    1 reply

    man cant believe this happened to me fix the f***in game ea

  • Jan 12
    1 reply

    Season pass and a store tab in the first screenshots we ever see
    How many times do games like this have to fail before devs realize people don’t want it

  • Jan 12
    1 reply

    When will they learn

  • Jan 12
    1 reply

  • Jan 12
    1 reply

    Hero shooters never dying unfortunately

  • Jan 13

    Hero shooters never dying unfortunately

    It was close. No one was making money if they couldn't keep up with OW. Now we saw the recipe can be cooked and come out great

  • healers are extremely broken in this game i think every single one of those aoe heal ultimates needs to be removed

  • Storm feels insane now

  • Jan 13
    3 replies

    This game is fun af

    Who do yall play with?

  • Jan 13
    1 reply

    i tried and tweaked from this guy's settings and they've worked miracles for me


    basically low sens, but higher max deadzone sensitivity boost, so u can aim reliably at the center of ur stick but the edges turn quickly

    this was lowkey the problem i had with the game that day we were playing @NobodyWins

  • BZTO

    This game is fun af

    Who do yall play with?

    Iron man

  • Jan 13

    This game is fun af

    Who do yall play with?

    Cloak and Dagger, Mantis, and Strange but C&D is my favourite haven’t tried mr or Mrs fantastic yet tho

  • Jan 13

    this was lowkey the problem i had with the game that day we were playing @NobodyWins

    Let’s try it again

  • It’s awesome seeing everyone saying C&D lol, they really are one of the most fun characters to play. Makes playing support an actual blast sometimes.

  • Jan 13

    man cant believe this happened to me fix the f***in game ea


  • A team with Reed , two vanguards and three strategist mops the field.

    When I play with reed next to DPS that stay far from the enemies with gun weaponry for example we always do bad.

  • Jan 13
    3 replies

    is this basically Overwatch

  • maxx

    is this basically Overwatch

