overwatch used to be great...dont forget that....ill try this tho
as someone who put in a lot of time into overwatch, this game is great, and i’m coming around to it, but it’s definitely missing that special blizzard polish that made overwatch feel good to play
overwatch used to be great...dont forget that....ill try this tho
Stopped being great a long, long time ago. This recaptures the early OW vibes tho
as someone who put in a lot of time into overwatch, this game is great, and i’m coming around to it, but it’s definitely missing that special blizzard polish that made overwatch feel good to play
This is my only complaint. I’m hoping they can up the polish with updates over the years but who knows
overwatch used to be great...dont forget that....ill try this tho
They clearly forgot too, why should I fight for THEIR legacy
I'm starting to realize this game is f***ing ass 💀.
Currently battling grandmasters that have created a meta of alternating team wide ults every 20 or so seconds.
I think this season will age like warm milk
I'm starting to realize this game is f***ing ass 💀.
Currently battling grandmasters that have created a meta of alternating team wide ults every 20 or so seconds.
I think this season will age like warm milk
Gotta say, Luna ult into a Loki luna ult back to back sucks f***ing balls. Like 20 or so seconds of free point control
Had a team or 2 do that last night and it f***ing sucked
I'm starting to realize this game is f***ing ass 💀.
Currently battling grandmasters that have created a meta of alternating team wide ults every 20 or so seconds.
I think this season will age like warm milk
ban luna
Realizing I won't get out of bronze if I can't carry games myself
bronze is ez bro lol
bronze is ez bro lol
Yeah that's how I know I'm a noob. I'm consistent with not going negative in games or feeding enemies, but it's not enough to carry bad teammates I'm getting half of the time. I assume I'm paired up with these guys cause I'm technically on their skill level lol
This is my first hero shooter
bronze is ez bro lol
It is but you still can’t carry trash teammates like you can in cod
It is but you still can’t carry trash teammates like you can in cod
Good players can solo to top 500 brother. Use that as motivation
hope they give him a dope MVP screen
idk what tf changes at platinum but holy s*** the game just becomes unbearable. psylocks, and storms that always have their ults. Hella ult is too broken literally can't do anything but run away unless you have strange Luna, invisible woman and mantis ultimate healing circles that just force you to stop playing for 10 seconds then loki will copy one of them and do another one right after. Can't play spidey or any other character i actually want to play anymore because they just don't do damage fast enough compared to other heroes.