Also need some music and drops in there to liven things up a bit just straight talking lowkey ain’t it but it’s the first episode and maybe even a leak so we’ll see
Also need some music and drops in there to liven things up a bit just straight talking lowkey ain’t it but it’s the first episode and maybe even a leak so we’ll see
Lol fam they're simply not entertaining. It was painful. They could turn it around but I expected more energy first time out.
Lol fam they're simply not entertaining. It was painful. They could turn it around but I expected more energy first time out.
Time for all 3 of em to swallow their pride and realize they are better together
can you substantiate this accusation with proof?
of course he cant lmao because he just made that up
Time for all 3 of em to swallow their pride and realize they are better together
Facts. Joe could survive without them but they Rory and Mal worked better overall.
Rory and Mal can't survive without Joe if the episodes are going to be like this. I remember when cyn and joe broke up rory and mal tried to carry the pod and it was horrible.
they just need a third maybe even 4th or 5th mic, not even a knock to these two but just in general, two people talking for an hour+ is gonna be boring unless its an interview
Spotify exclusive?
They need a larger than life personality to bounce off of, they are NOT cut out to carry a podcast. They d be better off making a scripted sitcom for youtube lol
They really took that guys artwork and ran with it
call her daddy got her new artwork from a fan
F*** I was hoping it wasn't a podcast
Theres this youtube comedy show called SWIL that birthed Mans Not Hot, I was hoping it was gonna be something like that
Ain’t listened yet. I don’t expect them to come out the gate bussin. I’d give it 10~ or so episodes
@Bandito always pops up to hate, certified clown
Only clowns can't think objectively and take criticism as hate.
Only clowns can't think objectively and take criticism as hate.
Never seen you in the JBP thread actually talking about the pod besides s***ting on Mal & Rory
Only clowns can't think objectively and take criticism as hate.
Critique can be hate too.
The boys was podding tbh, solid start. They had a bit of a good cop bad cop thing going, rory might need to relax a little bit on the bad cop energy but other than that it was good