They should combine their podcast with Waynos tbh.
he said he doesnt want to replace joe budden again
you aren't objective lol you defend joe for your life on anything
I said clear facts that the JBP Is his company and Joe has the right to fire anyone since it's his company. Again these are facts. The guys left and got new jobs with KD. If stating clear facts is me d***riding for Joe then so be it.
Facts are facts.
I wish Rory and Mal well, but I can still have my opinion that they are boring on their own. My perseodrive is also based in reality and evidence. There first episode was boring and lacked energy (I listened to the entire thing), when Joe was going through his breakup with Cyn and the guys had to carry the show they were barely able to and had to cut those episodes short. Again these are facts during those episodes everyone was clowning them.
If you think they have the ability to carry a 1-hr show on their own that is your opinion. I will continue to listen at the hope of their new show getting better as I do like the guys. The current format just has to change.
I said clear facts that the JBP Is his company and Joe has the right to fire anyone since it's his company. Again these are facts. The guys left and got new jobs with KD. If stating clear facts is me d***riding for Joe then so be it.
Facts are facts.
I wish Rory and Mal well, but I can still have my opinion that they are boring on their own. My perseodrive is also based in reality and evidence. There first episode was boring and lacked energy (I listened to the entire thing), when Joe was going through his breakup with Cyn and the guys had to carry the show they were barely able to and had to cut those episodes short. Again these are facts during those episodes everyone was clowning them.
If you think they have the ability to carry a 1-hr show on their own that is your opinion. I will continue to listen at the hope of their new show getting better as I do like the guys. The current format just has to change.
the comments say it all
Already blowing joes podcast outta the water
i was gonna say it was kinda dry...but your name is dry too
Critique can be hate too.
True. The difficulty on KTT is the lack of objective thought when speaking to someone who is a fan of someone. The moment you give another perspective they lose their mind. Even if your perspective is supported by evidence or looking at the entire picture and not from just one angle. Anyway, this is what makes the site good. You get to debate with people.
Mal watching a 12 yr old s***tape is actually crazy
he what
Around 45 min mark
Let them work, it’s the 1st episode so clearly there will be growing pains but hopefully with a different format & guests, it’ll improve
They should combine their podcast with Waynos tbh.
Would be like the Avengers only if the Avengers were B mic’s
sounds like theyre doing a sketch show and vlogs and stuff and the pods are more of a supporting thing rather than main