  • May 4, 2020
    slime wrld

    Yeah they are going to fail miserably at making an emotional connection with Abby... I can't think of another game or movie right now who's tried to do the same but I know there are some who have

    It would be different if she was some side villan like David

    I honestly think ppl overseas are going to react totally different to this. American audiences aren't really into this type of risk and storytelling tbh. Feel like the eastern audience wouldn't mind this

  • May 5, 2020
    slime wrld

    They could either pull it off, or miserably fail at making us sympathize with Abby that's the main problem

    Yeah, Abbys dad and the rest of the Fireflies were c***s. It's gonna take some insane brilliant writing to make me care about her revenge at all.

  • May 5, 2020
    1 reply

    This is how things go, people get invested in their favorite characters, actors, athletes etc.

    I don't mind that Joel dies, we already kinda knew this by the official trailers from the past years. My issue is the way they seem to have done this and most of all, the fact that afterwards they force you to play as a character who everyone should hate at that point. And you have to chase down Ellie. What the actual f\*\*\*?

    what was your issue with joels death?

  • May 5, 2020
    1 reply

    What about the plot is not ‘within established parameters’?

    I’m legit tryna understand this but all arguments I seen so far have been 'I don’t care about abby’ and ‘yeah idc that joel died but they way they did it was bad’

    It seems to me that people are just upset with the outcome of the story rather than it being 'bad' or 'within established parameters'

  • May 5, 2020

    I think the real issue is being forced to play as Abbie, and this isn't about her being trans (still dont know if this true or not lol) or any of that SJW s\*\*\*

    Problem with this isn't actually the story but rather the gameplay experience cause I doubt many people are gonna enjoy playing as Abbie for the rest of the game. I know their intention might not be that your supposed to enjoy playing as Abbie since she pretty much just killed peoples favourite character but it might be an issue being forced to play as someone you don't give a f\*\*\* about for like half of the game lol.

    Not sure if even telling a story through the person who just killed peoples fav character is a good idea either, I haven't seen many spoilers but I really hope NDs intention isnt to make the player sympathise with favourite player killer by the end of the game

  • May 5, 2020
    1 reply

    what was your issue with joels death?

    Perhaps I phrased it wrong, my bad. What bothers me is that they make you play as Abby afterwards. I can't see a way to make it work for the majority of players, no matter how much context is added to what we've learned from the leaked plot points.

  • May 5, 2020

    Perhaps I phrased it wrong, my bad. What bothers me is that they make you play as Abby afterwards. I can't see a way to make it work for the majority of players, no matter how much context is added to what we've learned from the leaked plot points.

    Yeah I agree with you, I understand that they are trying to get us to know about Abbies backstory and plan on telling the story through her but doing that right after she kills Joel... its like they are trying to force us to sympathise with her, theres not many people that will put up with her after she just killed Joel. I mean if they can pull this off, this game might be a classic but I don't see that happening lol

  • May 5, 2020

    this worst part of this imo is abby being the daughter of a random as f*** npc

    is this supposed to have weight? who the f*** cares? it's such an insanely s*** link to the first game i cant believe it avoided the cutting room floor

  • May 5, 2020

    Pretty much agree with you and said something similar on a previous post on playing as Abby.

    On to Joels death tho, I think we all knew he was going out this game but does his death need to be sacrificial or have meaning? It definitely wasn't an admirable way to die, and he gets killed right in front of Ellie too, if anything the meaning behind his death is fuel for Ellie to get revenge and is more impactful because you already built a relationship with his character during the previous game. I don't think it's supposed to be one of those deaths that just makes you sad but angry instead and makes you feel exactly what Ellie is feeling. Again, as I said before I think the biggest issue is just being forced to play as Abbie after all this happens. Trying to make the player build a relationship with Abby is completely unnecessary. The whole premise of Ellie avenging Joel would have just been better of without this

  • May 25, 2020

    I can wait a month and be in shambles or just open some of these spoilers

  • May 26, 2020

    Need more leaks

  • May 26, 2020

    The story seems so f***ing trash lmao

  • May 27, 2020

    I understand the frustration with the story but I also find it amusing that Naughty Dog a company who has repeatedly shown they are capable of releasing great games is being doubted so heavily over this. I think they deserve a bit more respect from fans. At least wait to play it and see how it is executed and all that before condemning it completely.

  • May 27, 2020

    I’m gonna play the game still but no lie this plot sounds like the FIRST idea they brought to the table after TLOU was released

  • May 27, 2020
    2 replies

    So apparently those plot points regarding TLOU2 that initially leaked from 4chan and got the internet in a frenzy are fake. More to follow soon

  • May 27, 2020
    2 replies

    So apparently those plot points regarding TLOU2 that initially leaked from 4chan and got the internet in a frenzy are fake. More to follow soon

    how are they fake? theres literally footage out there of the game

  • May 27, 2020

    how are they fake? theres literally footage out there of the game

    Was just about to say that lmao there’s literally gameplay videos of the leaked stuff

  • May 27, 2020
    1 reply

    how are they fake? theres literally footage out there of the game

    Because the leaker just made plot points around the footage, of course the footage is real but a lot of the story he made around it is false. There is only 30 minutes of cutscenes released, the rest is just bug testing gameplay. Those cutscenes also contradict Some of the plot points made.

  • May 27, 2020

    Because the leaker just made plot points around the footage, of course the footage is real but a lot of the story he made around it is false. There is only 30 minutes of cutscenes released, the rest is just bug testing gameplay. Those cutscenes also contradict Some of the plot points made.

    Ah, only cutscene I seen was the major one that everyone was talking about. Everyone was saying that near the whole game leaked on youtube and s*** lol

  • May 27, 2020

    This is tweet from one of the reviewers who has nearly completed the game.

  • May 28, 2020
    3 replies

    dude honestly Abby is insanely sexy

    like she is so dominant and powerful

    i kind of want her to pulverize my testicles under her boots and make me call her daddy

  • May 28, 2020

    I feel lile they're making it pretty clear whether you've seen the leaks or not that joel dies lol