wait is abby actually trans ????
I was wondering why she was so brolic lmaoo she on some Wonder Woman s\*\*\*
Did you expect any different??? Lol
I did considering ND stories are normally exceptional
Welp. Naughty Dog must’ve really f***ed someone
Why people gotta put politics into art man smh, we all play games to escape that bs
Welp. Naughty Dog must’ve really f***ed someone
They aint f*** anyone lol dude that leaked it just b**** made
I'm confused though because everyone is saying Ellie and her gf died but it seems like in that cut scene they just got their ass kicked :khaled:
nah just muscular
ok yeah i was wondering cause it seems like that sort of weird “muscular woman = trans” thing
Holy s*** they really fumbled the bag on this one dude. I legit don’t understand how you completely ruin one of if not the greatest video game story of all time.
2020 is a death sentence to everything
People still gonna buy it and Play it. I don’t know why they’d decide to do things that will kill the score and ratings of the game but it’s definitely a big risk
Wtf is wrong with the plot? I just read a synopsis and it doesn’t even sound that bad.
Also how are idiots calling this garbage sjw S\*\*\* when literally Joel Ellie and her gf die? That’s literally the opposite of what most would expect lmao
Also how are idiots calling this garbage sjw S\*\*\* when literally Joel Ellie and her gf die? That’s literally the opposite of what most would expect lmao
Whole Abby Character
Also how are idiots calling this garbage sjw S\*\*\* when literally Joel Ellie and her gf die? That’s literally the opposite of what most would expect lmao
Nah for me it's really that you end up playing as half the game as someone who you will hate for killing Joel ...
Nah for me it's really that you end up playing as half the game as someone who you will hate for killing Joel ...
now I can agree that was a terrible choice. Do they not realize people care about these characters? Why would you make the player use them and try to sympathize with them