  • Apr 3
    1 reply

    Bro rlly said

    i liked it then removed the like

  • Kanye West keeps pushing boundaries. I love it.

  • This is just standard Catholic school stuff pre-2010 , shaving hair, nuns lashing your hands with a ruler for missing homework, etc

  • TsunamiPapi

    This sounds like a funny ass skit


  • Apr 3
    2 replies

    kanye the first rapper to get CTE

  • Shabazz999

    kanye the first rapper to get CTE

    Souljah boi invented

  • Shabazz999

    kanye the first rapper to get CTE

  • No way he really jumped in the air like mario

  • All this for a wrongful termination case

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Apr 3

    Bro rlly said


  • "I'm gonna give you one more chance... Another life"

  • champagnepoopy

    This is true, my youngest nephew went there for three months because of my demented fundamentalist sister-in-law. He’s been receiving intensive therapy ever since.

    He just keeps repeating “DONDA, DONDA, DONDA” over and over again like a mindless drone…

    That was my kid’s favourite song when the album first dropped, i guess it was the only one they could recite the lyrics to... now its “city on fire, fire, fire”

  • Bobby_96

    Could be true but mostly due to association rather than Ye doing some Diddy/Dan Schneider type s*** himself. Anything's possible.

    But are you certain that the rappers you listen to have no skeletons in their closets?

    Eminem has a full song about it

  • I just realized bros name is Trevor Phillips

  • Apr 3
    1 reply
    Shin Chan

    Please add to OP

    Maybe he should call Kim, didnt she go to law school?

  • MCMIC13

    Maybe he should call Kim, didnt she go to law school?

    He's being sued for wrongful termination & a paultry $35,000 in damages ..Beyond a day(s) worth of headlines,nothing will come of this

  • Kr0niic

    some great quotes here

    Some of Ye’s “dangerous rhetoric” was repeated in front of Donda Academy students, according to the suit, and Ye allegedly once told two children that he wanted them to “shave their heads and that he intended to put a jail at the school – and that they could be locked in cages.”

    but heres my favorite

    The rapper then “physically threatened” Phillips, according to the suit, repeatedly saying he was “going to punch you in the face” before his mood suddenly shifted. “Imitating the celebratory dance of Mario from the famous video game Super Mario Brothers,” the suit claims. “Kanye jumped up with punching one fist in the air, while he said “I’m gonna give you one more chance. Another life!”


  • Kr0niic

    some great quotes here

    Some of Ye’s “dangerous rhetoric” was repeated in front of Donda Academy students, according to the suit, and Ye allegedly once told two children that he wanted them to “shave their heads and that he intended to put a jail at the school – and that they could be locked in cages.”

    but heres my favorite

    The rapper then “physically threatened” Phillips, according to the suit, repeatedly saying he was “going to punch you in the face” before his mood suddenly shifted. “Imitating the celebratory dance of Mario from the famous video game Super Mario Brothers,” the suit claims. “Kanye jumped up with punching one fist in the air, while he said “I’m gonna give you one more chance. Another life!”

    this isnt funny no more but omm "ima give you another life" is insane

  • nigga said

  • diddy put the call in. we still aint forget about you

  • Apr 3

    Wait how’s this not funny now

  • Don't you wish you had ANOTHER LIFE?!

  • Rich people treating to punch/fight people while their bodyguards stand in the background is the worst s*** ever

  • Apr 3
    4 replies

    Ye probably beats his kids to near death with a belt at home. He shows favoritism to North.
