  • Apr 3
    2 replies

    Ye probably beats his kids to near death with a belt at home. He shows favoritism to North.

    Ye a lot of things but he ain’t an abuser.

    Alotta his threats are empty.

    I’d even put money on Ye never having a real physical altercation besides some scuffles here and there

  • I've always read about how Kanye is a completely different person behind the cameras but this is shocking. Regardless of all the slant in this article he is clearly very unwell and I hope he gets the help he needs. He is functionally insane but, extremely insane nonetheless

  • MCMIC13

    tf happened

  • EchiPoet

    Bro rlly said

  • Apr 3

    stlll funny

  • Apr 3
    1 reply

    Watching the last episode of Jeenyuhs it isn’t far fetched to say ye was abusive

  • Apr 3
    1 reply

    ye was kind enough to give this mfer another chance and this is how he's repayed?

    how much betrayal can one man take


    Ye a lot of things but he ain’t an abuser.

    Alotta his threats are empty.

    I’d even put money on Ye never having a real physical altercation besides some scuffles here and there

    This is a fact. North and Saint wanting to be around him so much just shows that. If anything, he probably isn’t as close to the other ones cause they were born when things got rocky with Kim

  • I do think son is a toxic employer and person though, especially lately with all the power he has. I really wish he would seek the help he needs but that probably won’t ever happen now at this point

  • Apr 3
    2 replies

    am i the only one who sees nothing wrong with this even if real, yeah its a bit extreme but nothing criminal

  • Apr 3
    1 reply

    am i the only one who sees nothing wrong with this even if real, yeah its a bit extreme but nothing criminal

    The employee is just a do a cash grab

  • Apr 3
    1 reply
    Ron Mexico

    The employee is just a do a cash grab

    s***s a bit overblown ngl

  • Bane

    s***s a bit overblown ngl

    Gotta sensationalize to get that check

  • Bad Finger Boogie

    Don't you wish you had ANOTHER LIFE?!


  • Apr 3
    1 reply
    young majid

    Watching the last episode of Jeenyuhs it isn’t far fetched to say ye was abusive

    I felt he was almost exploited throughout that whole episode. Was a clear mental crisis

  • I think if I get into a fight with someone I’m going to do exactly this.

    Just start talking s*** to a man’s face saying ima beat his ass then just start acting like Mario.

    They’ll just think I’m mentally unstable and leave me alone

  • Apr 3
    1 reply
    BIG early

    i liked it then removed the like

    I’m gonna punch you in the face

  • Apr 3
    1 reply
    Clipaveli The Don

    I’m gonna punch you in the face

    you’re late haha

    i already left it

  • Apr 3
    1 reply
    BIG early

    you’re late haha

    i already left it

    Get back in here

  • Clipaveli The Don

    Get back in here

    i meant the like

  • chadwarden

    Ye probably beats his kids to near death with a belt at home. He shows favoritism to North.

    this is disgusting fan fiction

  • Not here rn

    ye was kind enough to give this mfer another chance and this is how he's repayed?

    how much betrayal can one man take

    It’s sad smh

    People so ungrateful

  • chadwarden

    Ye probably beats his kids to near death with a belt at home. He shows favoritism to North.

    imagine typing this

  • chadwarden

    Ye probably beats his kids to near death with a belt at home. He shows favoritism to North.

    do u guys ever read back on some of the comments u make. like wat compelled u to think ok let me post this

  • Bane

    am i the only one who sees nothing wrong with this even if real, yeah its a bit extreme but nothing criminal

    I think you’re just feeling the Trump effect

    Do crazy s*** long enough and s*** starts to feel normal
