  • Apr 3
    1 reply

    ? he didn't masturbate infront of anyone, at least comment in good faith dude come on, there's so much easy s*** to talk about dude and u still end up making it up

    Oh I’m sorry. Do you think he was simulating jerking pff? Well that would be the first considering his history

  • LPG26
    · edited

    Oh I’m sorry. Do you think he was simulating jerking pff? Well that would be the first considering his history

    well isn't that what he said..he was simulatin gestures..not actually doin it lol

  • Has anyone else spoken out ?

    A few of the things quotes are REALLY far fetched, I’m sure there’s a grain of truth in this but it also seems sus.

  • Apr 3
    3 replies

    Ye a lot of things but he ain’t an abuser.

    Alotta his threats are empty.

    I’d even put money on Ye never having a real physical altercation besides some scuffles here and there

    this is an extremely narrow view of abuse. Just because someone doesn’t hit you doesn’t mean they’re not abusive

    sexual harassment = abusive
    sexual coercion = abusive
    cheating = abusive
    verbal degradation = abusive
    trying to mentally break someone = abusive

    Amber and Kim both said he was abusive

    I see some comments about the kids and even there

    abandonment = abusive
    exposing your young daughter to your sexual kinks and d**** and abusive men = Idek what to label that
    talking s*** about the other parent in an attempt to manipulate your kid = gross
    Attacking your own kids online, constantly talking s*** about their school publicly and leaving them to deal with the anxiety and backlash = abusive

    Every time I see we’ll there’s no evidence of him being abusive I’m confused

  • Apr 3
    1 reply

    this is an extremely narrow view of abuse. Just because someone doesn’t hit you doesn’t mean they’re not abusive

    sexual harassment = abusive
    sexual coercion = abusive
    cheating = abusive
    verbal degradation = abusive
    trying to mentally break someone = abusive

    Amber and Kim both said he was abusive

    I see some comments about the kids and even there

    abandonment = abusive
    exposing your young daughter to your sexual kinks and d**** and abusive men = Idek what to label that
    talking s*** about the other parent in an attempt to manipulate your kid = gross
    Attacking your own kids online, constantly talking s*** about their school publicly and leaving them to deal with the anxiety and backlash = abusive

    Every time I see we’ll there’s no evidence of him being abusive I’m confused

    When was he accused of sexually coercing anyone?
    I also watched a recent interview with amber rose where he said he wasn't super controlling and that he looked out for her. I don't remember Kim saying that either.

    But yeah I won't doubt he's s***ty, lots of that has to do with his mental state though, I know his detractors don't like hearing it, it's not an excuse but it is an explanation. Does he sound remotely in a sane place since 2016.

  • Apr 3
    1 reply

    this is an extremely narrow view of abuse. Just because someone doesn’t hit you doesn’t mean they’re not abusive

    sexual harassment = abusive
    sexual coercion = abusive
    cheating = abusive
    verbal degradation = abusive
    trying to mentally break someone = abusive

    Amber and Kim both said he was abusive

    I see some comments about the kids and even there

    abandonment = abusive
    exposing your young daughter to your sexual kinks and d**** and abusive men = Idek what to label that
    talking s*** about the other parent in an attempt to manipulate your kid = gross
    Attacking your own kids online, constantly talking s*** about their school publicly and leaving them to deal with the anxiety and backlash = abusive

    Every time I see we’ll there’s no evidence of him being abusive I’m confused

    What d**** did Ye expose his children to?

  • LPG26

    this is an extremely narrow view of abuse. Just because someone doesn’t hit you doesn’t mean they’re not abusive

    sexual harassment = abusive
    sexual coercion = abusive
    cheating = abusive
    verbal degradation = abusive
    trying to mentally break someone = abusive

    Amber and Kim both said he was abusive

    I see some comments about the kids and even there

    abandonment = abusive
    exposing your young daughter to your sexual kinks and d**** and abusive men = Idek what to label that
    talking s*** about the other parent in an attempt to manipulate your kid = gross
    Attacking your own kids online, constantly talking s*** about their school publicly and leaving them to deal with the anxiety and backlash = abusive

    Every time I see we’ll there’s no evidence of him being abusive I’m confused

    Take a breather grandma.

    You've been haranguing the same spiel on your reddit ( & LSA accounts ( since this suit dropped yesterday.

    Might I suggest diaphragm breathing exercises and an hourly sabbatical from socials?

  • Yayo

    I felt he was almost exploited throughout that whole episode. Was a clear mental crisis

    idk Ye goes out of his way to offend people, from his own doing

    I personally think coodie did a favour by cutting off ye’s rants before he fully locked in with tinfoil hat rants

    And I think coodie did ye a favour by just saying the JIK era was just cool, and not really investigating that further

  • Kr0niic

    some great quotes here

    Some of Ye’s “dangerous rhetoric” was repeated in front of Donda Academy students, according to the suit, and Ye allegedly once told two children that he wanted them to “shave their heads and that he intended to put a jail at the school – and that they could be locked in cages.”

    but heres my favorite

    The rapper then “physically threatened” Phillips, according to the suit, repeatedly saying he was “going to punch you in the face” before his mood suddenly shifted. “Imitating the celebratory dance of Mario from the famous video game Super Mario Brothers,” the suit claims. “Kanye jumped up with punching one fist in the air, while he said “I’m gonna give you one more chance. Another life!”

    Yeezy Dungeon: The Sunken Place

  • Hit piece and the white girls here on KTT and Twitter believe it

  • Apr 3
    3 replies

    When was he accused of sexually coercing anyone?
    I also watched a recent interview with amber rose where he said he wasn't super controlling and that he looked out for her. I don't remember Kim saying that either.

    But yeah I won't doubt he's s***ty, lots of that has to do with his mental state though, I know his detractors don't like hearing it, it's not an excuse but it is an explanation. Does he sound remotely in a sane place since 2016.

    in the adidas lawsuit and other stuff that hasn’t been made fully public

    Amber said like two days ago that he pressure her to dress sexy, that he was a narcissist and he s*** shamed and bullied her for years after she left him. Prior to that she said he cheated on her constantly, verbally and emotionally abused her

    Kim has described his abusive behavior and said he was abusive multiple times. That he told her she was nothing without him. And he publicly abused her and her ex at the time for the entire world to see. He got online and attacked her again recently and created security issues with his weird Sierra Canyon is a Zionist school obsessed. That’s not even including him encouraging his daughter to act out violently so she can attend adult parties and screaming f*** Kim bc she said no like any normal person

  • Again,he's being sued for wrongful termination & a paultry $35,000 in damages ..Beyond a day(s) worth of headlines,nothing will come of this

  • Apr 3
    1 reply

    in the adidas lawsuit and other stuff that hasn’t been made fully public

    Amber said like two days ago that he pressure her to dress sexy, that he was a narcissist and he s*** shamed and bullied her for years after she left him. Prior to that she said he cheated on her constantly, verbally and emotionally abused her

    Kim has described his abusive behavior and said he was abusive multiple times. That he told her she was nothing without him. And he publicly abused her and her ex at the time for the entire world to see. He got online and attacked her again recently and created security issues with his weird Sierra Canyon is a Zionist school obsessed. That’s not even including him encouraging his daughter to act out violently so she can attend adult parties and screaming f*** Kim bc she said no like any normal person

    Adidas did their own investigation and found nothing, but keep up the good fight I’m sure someone somewhere will eventually care

  • Apr 3
    1 reply

    What d**** did Ye expose his children to?

    ppl were smoking on stage next to her. These parties and recording sessions he takes her to are full of ppl doing d****

  • Apr 3
    1 reply

    ppl were smoking on stage next to her. These parties and recording sessions he takes her to are full of ppl doing d****

    People drink around children all the time, someone smoking near them is a non issue

    And these imaginary d**** in the studio session is literall fan fiction, seek help

  • LPG26

    in the adidas lawsuit and other stuff that hasn’t been made fully public

    Amber said like two days ago that he pressure her to dress sexy, that he was a narcissist and he s*** shamed and bullied her for years after she left him. Prior to that she said he cheated on her constantly, verbally and emotionally abused her

    Kim has described his abusive behavior and said he was abusive multiple times. That he told her she was nothing without him. And he publicly abused her and her ex at the time for the entire world to see. He got online and attacked her again recently and created security issues with his weird Sierra Canyon is a Zionist school obsessed. That’s not even including him encouraging his daughter to act out violently so she can attend adult parties and screaming f*** Kim bc she said no like any normal person

    An internal inquiry by Adidas' brass (involving 2 dozen former/current employees) found the RS article to be spurious and without merit..C'mon GG

    tsk tsk

  • Apr 3
    1 reply

    Adidas did their own investigation and found nothing, but keep up the good fight I’m sure someone somewhere will eventually care

    Adidas denied it because they were culpable. In his doc isn’t he literally showing p*** to the execs which is exactly one of the things in the article?

    setting up therapy, moving women he wouldn’t stop sexually harassing to diff departments, ignoring his escalation, antisemitism and him forcing p*** on others doesn’t make them look good

  • The woke mob strikes again

  • LPG26

    Adidas denied it because they were culpable. In his doc isn’t he literally showing p*** to the execs which is exactly one of the things in the article?

    setting up therapy, moving women he wouldn’t stop sexually harassing to diff departments, ignoring his escalation, antisemitism and him forcing p*** on others doesn’t make them look good

    So where’s the adidas sexual coercion? It’s not made public but you happen to know about it? What a coincidence

  • Apr 3
    1 reply

    People drink around children all the time, someone smoking near them is a non issue

    And these imaginary d**** in the studio session is literall fan fiction, seek help

    dude really. Kanye hangs out with rapists and degenerates. He’s brought men convicted of sexual assault around the kids

    I can tell you’ve never been in a studio session

  • Apr 3
    1 reply

    dude really. Kanye hangs out with rapists and degenerates. He’s brought men convicted of sexual assault around the kids

    I can tell you’ve never been in a studio session

    I can tell you think one studio session is every studio session ever, such a shallow surface level way of thinking

  • Apr 3
    1 reply

    I can tell you think one studio session is every studio session ever, such a shallow surface level way of thinking

    I can tell you’re going to break something reaching to justify this behavior. Yeah the ppl Kanye is around would never do d**** in a studio session or near a kid. It’s not like a convicted rapist was smoking right next her

  • Apr 3
    1 reply

    I can tell you’re going to break something reaching to justify this behavior. Yeah the ppl Kanye is around would never do d**** in a studio session or near a kid. It’s not like a convicted rapist was smoking right next her

    This isn’t a movie, every rap studio session isn’t filled with cocaine and strippers, please get off the internet for just a little bit

  • Apr 3
    1 reply

    This isn’t a movie, every rap studio session isn’t filled with cocaine and strippers, please get off the internet for just a little bit

    No but Kanye’s are full of d**** and OF girls