  • Dec 30, 2020
    4 replies

    If BMI isn't a good stat to measure obesity or overweight ness then what is ?

  • Dec 30, 2020

    If BMI isn't a good stat to measure obesity or overweight ness then what is ?

    The best test is seeing how much flab someone has when they jiggle their arms or legs

  • Dec 30, 2020

    my s***ty diet is finally catching up with my metabolism. I’m sexy atm but pretty soon I’m gonna have to make my life worse to stay in shape

  • Dec 30, 2020
    2 replies

    If BMI isn't a good stat to measure obesity or overweight ness then what is ?

    Idk but according to BMI this guy is obese

    Probably some type of body fat % test based on height

  • Womanpuncher69

    If BMI isn't a good stat to measure obesity or overweight ness then what is ?

    I think bmi is fine if you don't worry too much about the low threshold for what's fat/obese

  • Dec 30, 2020

    Well no s*** health is not a priority taught in school and fast food is always cheaper and more accessible than healthy alternatives

  • Dec 30, 2020
    2 replies

    BMI is just an inaccurate and outdated measurement, always has been, they never accounted for different races/body builds. I had my family doctor saying I was healthier at 68kg even though I couldn't eat anything and could maybe only run 2k max, versus now at roughly 79kg, feeling the healthiest and most athletic I've ever been.

    This being said that an accurate percentage probably isn't far off from this number. The western diet a lot of people in US are used to is awful and does a lot more harm than good. Of course a lot of factors do come into play with it though.

    Obviously it's not easy to tell everybody to stop eating like s***, a lot of people rely on the financial convenience of cheap, processed, and fast food, I definitely do too, it just doesn't make sense for me to go to an organic market every week and pick out the best produce for 10-20x the price of what I can get in a big corp grocery store.

    All of these articles coming out, showing these scary big numbers and stats don't really help the case unless they're offering possible solutions and alternatives for people who read them and want to better themselves though.

  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply

    me reading this thread eating kfc chips rn LOL

  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply

    How if everyone a model on the gram 🤨 it not adding up

  • Fat ass mothafucka

  • Dec 30, 2020


    It was sarcastic

  • I’m a specimen of perfect health

  • Dec 30, 2020
    1 reply

    im saying!


    im saying!

    Nah they probs just do excercises that make their butts bigger

  • Dec 30, 2020

    You can bench all u want but your body doesnt know that and thinks youre overweight anyway even if its all muscle

    Think you mean the bmi chart

  • Dec 30, 2020

    BMI is just an inaccurate and outdated measurement, always has been, they never accounted for different races/body builds. I had my family doctor saying I was healthier at 68kg even though I couldn't eat anything and could maybe only run 2k max, versus now at roughly 79kg, feeling the healthiest and most athletic I've ever been.

    This being said that an accurate percentage probably isn't far off from this number. The western diet a lot of people in US are used to is awful and does a lot more harm than good. Of course a lot of factors do come into play with it though.

    Obviously it's not easy to tell everybody to stop eating like s***, a lot of people rely on the financial convenience of cheap, processed, and fast food, I definitely do too, it just doesn't make sense for me to go to an organic market every week and pick out the best produce for 10-20x the price of what I can get in a big corp grocery store.

    All of these articles coming out, showing these scary big numbers and stats don't really help the case unless they're offering possible solutions and alternatives for people who read them and want to better themselves though.

  • Dec 30, 2020

    Had a good discussion about this in one of my old threads

  • Dec 30, 2020

    you know whos fat by how quick they brought up bmi

    I've been bringing up bmi since middle school

    There's just way better ways to more accurately determine if someone is over or underweight

    I shouldn't be able to look at someone's license information and determine that "this guy is obese"

  • Dec 30, 2020
    4 replies
  • Dec 30, 2020


  • Dec 30, 2020


    i'm lean asl and according to bmi i'm overweight