see how u threw provider in there for them to be desirable?
It’s an example, really. Even if you take money out of the equation, women are a lot more likely to look past looks. That’s not to say a ton of women aren’t completely shallow. You just see a lot more shlubby guys with attractive women than the opposite.
It’s an example, really. Even if you take money out of the equation, women are a lot more likely to look past looks. That’s not to say a ton of women aren’t completely shallow. You just see a lot more shlubby guys with attractive women than the opposite.
must be jim carrey level funny then
And this website majority amerikkkan
Feel like some of the ppl fatshaming on here should try to hop on a scale themselves
And this website majority amerikkkan
Feel like some of the ppl fatshaming on here should try to hop on a scale themselves
There’s no such thing as fatshaming. Stop this.
There’s no such thing as fatshaming. Stop this.
shame is a thing
being fat is a thing
making people feel ashamed for being fat (or literally anything else for that matter) is a thing
idk how u could deny this lol
It’s an example, really. Even if you take money out of the equation, women are a lot more likely to look past looks. That’s not to say a ton of women aren’t completely shallow. You just see a lot more shlubby guys with attractive women than the opposite.
Besides don’t you think it’s more socially acceptable for guys to be overweight than women? Like most of the time I see women get egged on for being fat not men tbh
Besides don’t you think it’s more socially acceptable for guys to be overweight than women? Like most of the time I see women get egged on for being fat not men tbh
Yeah, for sure. You even have that old TV trope of the fat guy with a hot wife.
the stats get a lot more alarming outside of those numbers. obesity in the US now is around 42%, but if you look around 1990 it was ~11%
i wouldn't be surprised if it overtook smoking in #1 cause of preventable death on a global scale by like 2027 or so.
I'm anti USA and s***ting on the USA for everything but this is actually everywhere overall
Not just there, I know the stats is for USA but jus sayin
This the woman that ABUSED vsauce?
And this website majority amerikkkan
Feel like some of the ppl fatshaming on here should try to hop on a scale themselves
Fatshaming in a post calling out fatshaming
Me levels of f***ery
WOW she ain't lie tho
What’s this about vsauce abuse
pretty sure that b**** was in a relationship with him and after they broke up he exposed her for being abusive
then she just doubled down and called him a b****
She be rubbing my titties while she top me. Chubby boys stand up