OP looks way better
Yo @MyNight @bigmancam im thinking of playing brian hill in my flex what you guys think
what are ur other options
what are ur other options
Brandin cooks vs min
4net vs chargers
Nkeal harry @kc
I have damien harris and and phillip lindsey but they still hurt
Yo @MyNight @bigmancam im thinking of playing brian hill in my flex what you guys think
Has only 15 rushing attempts and 5 receptions this season, certainly a risky plaay
So if you think him having 9 attempts last week is going to continue then maybe go for it. Game is likely to be a shootout, and he only had one reception against the bears which was the play he scored on, so it's not like he's shown a reliable consistency to trust in after 3 games.
@Beautiful_Morning If you were still trying to find out a way working with ublock blocking ads reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/j28ada/how_to_block_the_new_twitch_ads_with_ublock_origin
I haven't done it myself, but just showing you just incase you're still having that problem
Brandin cooks vs min
4net vs chargers
Nkeal harry @kc
I have damien harris and and phillip lindsey but they still hurt
hill might be good if fournette isnt playing
packers r a pretty middling run defense so he could eat but we also got gurley
hes def gonna get reps tho
Also waiting for koo to be designated as out so i can ir him SMH
we signed a kicker today
hes def out
@Beautiful_Morning If you were still trying to find out a way working with ublock blocking ads https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/j28ada/how_to_block_the_new_twitch_ads_with_ublock_origin/
I haven't done it myself, but just showing you just incase you're still having that problem
Thanks bro I saw it yesterday and got it working with this. Hope I never have to see that Travis Scott McDonald’s ad as long as I live
hill might be good if fournette isnt playing
packers r a pretty middling run defense so he could eat but we also got gurley
hes def gonna get reps tho
My thing is he looks way better than gurley and they might split carries with him more
Plus greenbay run defence is cheese and kamara showed that