No middle aged white woman writes like this
Only people gassing this are deranged Cardi stans and Ye stans.
This is clearly fake, the profile picture looks like a 45 year old Irish woman and the posts are like a teenage schizophrenic Nicki Minaj fan
And y’all really believe anything lmao sad this person is using that ladys picture in her avy people really bored lmaooo
Tbh I wouldn’t take everything this woman says seriously
while not keeping quiet about trying to get with jorja smith.
clearly this is a man with different priorities on what matters and doesn't matter than the rest of us.
yeah that's true
they confirmed or found it false
The person behind that account is definitely a Stan of somebody. Their grammar gives it away. And that picture of “Kate” is actually a women named Megan. Someone in here said there’s an actual Kate miller that works for rep and I feel bad for her. She’s gonna wake up to bs
also apparently they found out that account was ran by a Rihanna stan account
This s*** on par with Gucci's tirade some years ago and y'all believing it because y'all bored and hate Nicki. And i'm saying this as a person who doesn't care for her like that
This is clearly fake, the profile picture looks like a 45 year old Irish woman and the posts are like a teenage schizophrenic Nicki Minaj fan
@safe tea account confirmed fake