Fake avi Obviously to protect her identity
Lmfao it says the name right there dawg
This is a deranged stan impersonating some music industry lady
The issue with industry tea is that it’s always some unknown assistant saying super extra-insider s*** like “you know what you said about you-know-who on that yacht in Venice, Bobby got the whole video and so does Amber.”
@op did some work for these screenshots Thanks
The issue with industry tea is that it’s always some unknown assistant saying super extra-insider s*** like “you know what you said about you-know-who on that yacht in Venice, Bobby got the whole video and so does Amber.”
https://twitter.com/pettiestpremy/status/1554057518116225026"remy ma chronicles"
https://twitter.com/pettiestpremy/status/1554057518116225026REMY MA CHRONICLES
I wouldn’t be surprised if Nicki owed on back taxes but 176 million?
She would be under the jail
The assistant said that Nicki owes the IRS $176 million dollars, LMAO
C'mon, my nigga.....
Imagine if something crazy came out like her husband being a rapist.
You're such a messy hoe, man.
https://twitter.com/pettiestpremy/status/1554057518116225026"remy ma chronicles"
The person behind that account is definitely a Stan of somebody. Their grammar gives it away. And that picture of “Kate” is actually a women named Megan. Someone in here said there’s an actual Kate miller that works for rep and I feel bad for her. She’s gonna wake up to bs
also apparently they found out that account was ran by a Rihanna stan account
fair enough