How does this sow division in the black community lmaoo
Although they should let those drake threads stay up too
It’s divisive because every demographic you can think of was celebrating Kendrick demolishing Drake.
Yet only black people are said to be hating one another.
Like Drake was exposed to be a worse rapper and people got turned off by his interactions with children, when did “black hate on hate” come into this?
It’s divisive because every demographic you can think of was celebrating Kendrick demolishing Drake.
Yet only black people are said to be hating one another.
Like Drake was exposed to be a worse rapper and people got turned off by his interactions with children, when did “black hate on hate” come into this?
Bro legitimately what drake and kendrick gotta do with this thread lol
Thread has literally proved black people will not hear sense no matter who the messenger is
Newsflash your messenger does not NEED to be perfect and without flaws for their message to be
I won’t speak any more on this because pointless bickering instead of addressing actual issues is actually the core thing preventing us from adopting a mind that is even close to hearing and adopting a message which could allow us to progress as a people
No one has even explained to me all day man wtf he said
literally all he said was niggas shouldnt call meek gay for the diddy docs then said " you know what ive noticed about black culture is black hate on hate"
At the end of the day he funded a pedo streamer after knowing what her content was.
Nothing you say can change that FACT
Gave her multiple shout outs too.
Multiple stories of girls saying Drake was trying to coerce them on Omegle too between 9-12. Some say those were pre recorded videos but those tweets are getting wiped off quick.
But we know they can’t keep this up, it’s just gon resurface
Thread has literally proved black people will not hear sense no matter who the messenger is
Newsflash your messenger does not NEED to be perfect and without flaws for their message to be
I won’t speak any more on this because pointless bickering instead of addressing actual issues is actually the core thing preventing us from adopting a mind that is even close to hearing and adopting a message which could allow us to progress as a people
whats the message
It cant be if he didnt give who he thought should say it he just listed their flaws which is fair but the thread is moreso about who could lead the black community or at least make statements that give objective takes on behaviors that aren’t conducive
I honestly have thought of this since like a child before any of these dudes were a factor. Why has their been no MLK Malcolm type figure since their demise (and we can generally answer that with theyd just kill him or thats what prevents someone trying to be that to begin with)
But thats taking it way deeper. Lmaoo who could critique the black community and niggas be like “you know what you right” f*** umar rubin charleston or anything else niggas talking about what is the answer to the second sentence in this paragraph lol
who could lead the black community
narrator voice: user would soon come to realize the permanent mental waiting for superman complex is actually what the biggest problem is as the successful whitewashing of the civil rights movement has made people forget it wasnt just a one/two man show and if anything the children that were out there in the street’s disobeying they parents pleas to go to class and putting themselves at risk did much more for us than malcolm and mlk did (they would both agree), and that their existence shoulda been a sign that any of us have the potential to change no matter our flaws because it’s never been just “one man”
But, idolization
Like I said. We need a #blacksxn
Thread has literally proved black people will not hear sense no matter who the messenger is
Newsflash your messenger does not NEED to be perfect and without flaws for their message to be
I won’t speak any more on this because pointless bickering instead of addressing actual issues is actually the core thing preventing us from adopting a mind that is even close to hearing and adopting a message which could allow us to progress as a people
you are a fool if you come to conclusions about Black people through an Internet forum.
you would take literal uncle ruckus, saying that niggas need to do better as some type of legitimate critique
Bro legitimately what drake and kendrick gotta do with this thread lol
Because Michael being asked about Drake was a highlight of his interview and was part of the “black hate on hate” conversation, which then sparked the backlash which you made a thread about.
He did apologise though which is good on him.
Thread has literally proved black people will not hear sense no matter who the messenger is
Newsflash your messenger does not NEED to be perfect and without flaws for their message to be
I won’t speak any more on this because pointless bickering instead of addressing actual issues is actually the core thing preventing us from adopting a mind that is even close to hearing and adopting a message which could allow us to progress as a people
They came in b****ing at 143 mph
Thread has literally proved black people will not hear sense no matter who the messenger is
Newsflash your messenger does not NEED to be perfect and without flaws for their message to be
I won’t speak any more on this because pointless bickering instead of addressing actual issues is actually the core thing preventing us from adopting a mind that is even close to hearing and adopting a message which could allow us to progress as a people
See these comments are what I’m talking about.
This is clearly a divisive thread.
Not advocating for it to be locked just saying the modding is trash and lacks a defined standard.
You love letting a Twitter nigga think for you
You love letting a Twitter nigga think for you
whose gonna lead the black community tho.
I only watched the Rubin vid but I agree.
I’m always tryna bring niggas up though so this don’t apply to me
whose gonna lead the black community tho.
jack got the answers
la la la la la la la laaaaa
I only watched the Rubin vid but I agree.
I’m always tryna bring niggas up though so this don’t apply to me
Rubin definitely wrong and his role isn't to comment within our community when he has much to clean up within his and to be a freedom fighter only in the defense of a friend against a race is not only disingenuous but also cowardly
F*** Umar he’s a grifter. I texted him a serious ass question about the black community and he ignores it TWICE probably bc he has no real plan but EVERYDAY he posts responses to dumb ass texts about snowbunnies because he knows it gets him likes and attention
They said the cereal goes in the bowl before the milk
i been saying this too
add me to the title @op