  • Jan 24
    1 reply

    Damn this new remake is hard.

    S*** lowkey made my day. Had no clue they was dropping this

  • Decapitation is so good

  • Jan 24
    1 reply

    real for MK Armageddon, Deception is my pick though

    deception's story is the best, but the armageddon roster is so peak

    also i spent countless hours in the armageddon character creator as a kid

  • Jan 24

    The exploration and level design is what made especially the 1st game so amazing.

    I like some of the design they showed in the trailer though

    it was so dope idk why they pieced it down in ng2 to where its more linear, then took it all the way away in ng3 smh

    i wonder if its because they didnt have the huge funding from micorsoft anymore as time went on so they just focused more on the action moments - but THANKFULLY they got that Nioh and Ronin money NOW

  • Jan 24
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    deception's story is the best, but the armageddon roster is so peak

    also i spent countless hours in the armageddon character creator as a kid

    Konquest was too good, they should bring it back

  • Jan 24

    Sounds good. Character action is my favorite genre so ima jump in. Do I need to have played the other ones?

    nah you dont need to - the games are light on story and are more about the spectacle. of course playing them in order will make you hip to a few things but its not really important. ng2 is actually where they start building out a full story while ng1 its more there as background.

    they have notes and stuff like that iirc in ng2 as well that gives more insight to things and gives a refresher of ng1.
    ng1 is mostly a self contained revenge story that gets into mysticism in its later half, but 2 and 3 are directly connected.

    but yeah overall story/character isnt that important and you'll be able to get the gist easy. the games are also not that long. theyre like 8 to 14 hours in a single playthrough - not counting getting stuck on a boss(es).

    ng1 is really good tho although outdated with its camera/control scheme that will take some getting used too and its also the tough as nails the hardest in the series in regular difficulty and to me still the best one so far - ng3 is the worst and the stepchild of the group but its definitive razors edge edition makes it decent/good (while the og ng3 is straight trash)

    and i forgot to mention before to u and others - unlike monster hunter, nioh or Fromsoft games - THERE ARE DIFFICULTY OPTIONS in all of them, so even tho theyre all tough and hard games you do have the option to make it easier (or even harder lmao)

  • Jan 24

    Konquest was too good, they should bring it back

    thats what i been waiting on

    they already got the building blocks with how wild they do the krypt nowadays in the last few titles that are fully explorable and interactable

    waiting for the day they go all in again - theyve teased it a few times too smh

  • Jan 24
    1 reply

    Damn this new remake is hard.

    S*** lowkey made my day. Had no clue they was dropping this

    one of the best surprise drops of all time!

    announce a sequel to a long awaited return to a franchise and drop a full on remake right away to an older entry the same day

    theyve mentioned ng4 is happening for many years now since Nioh 1 but they never mentioned doing any remakes ever not even once or a maybe

  • Remake is fire

  • Water Giver

    one of the best surprise drops of all time!

    announce a sequel to a long awaited return to a franchise and drop a full on remake right away to an older entry the same day

    theyve mentioned ng4 is happening for many years now since Nioh 1 but they never mentioned doing any remakes ever not even once or a maybe

    Koei loves fans tbh

  • Jan 25
    1 reply

    For someone that has never played ninja gaiden , do y’all recommend me to get this ?

    I love these types of games btw but this one seems very different

  • Jan 25
    HURRY UP ninety98

    For someone that has never played ninja gaiden , do y’all recommend me to get this ?

    I love these types of games btw but this one seems very different

    yes - its top 3 in its genre

    its also on gamepass on pc and xbox for those that want to play without purchase

  • Yo this is amazing

  • Jan 25
    2 replies

    Bring gamepass to PlayStation

  • Cherrywine1

    Bring gamepass to PlayStation

    So many times recently I've looked at my PS5 while all this amazing s*** is happening on Gamepass and just sighed

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Jan 25

    Bring gamepass to PlayStation

    now you know until xbox consoles cease to exist nintendo and sony never allowing that

  • Jan 25
    1 reply

    Remake looks like 480p on 120 fps mode for xbox....

  • Jan 25
    1 reply

    Only thing I hate is the camera being ass still lol

  • Ninja Gaiden 4

    Prime Xbox vibes restored

  • Maybe team ninja should’ve made the wolverine game

  • SteezLaFlare

    Only thing I hate is the camera being ass still lol

    Yea this is my only complaint lol

  • This game is f***ing amazing , I can’t believe I never played this

  • i envy you gamepass niggas fr

    ps plus is a disgrace 🤦🏽‍♂️

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Jan 25
    2 replies

    Is part of the difficulty in this supposed to be losing track of your character because ur fighting a bunch of ninjas that are also wearing all black

    Cuz that s*** be getting me

  • Jan 25

    Is part of the difficulty in this supposed to be losing track of your character because ur fighting a bunch of ninjas that are also wearing all black

    Cuz that s*** be getting me

    i think ya just gettin old unc