Drake thread? what they said Drake was bigger than MJ?
There won't ever be a musician as big as MJ again because of the internet
There won't ever be a musician as big as MJ again because of the internet
Beatles took the album format seriously after 1965, before that many pop artists just liked doing singles and compilations. Although Sinatra was another artist who focused on albums.
Beatles had music films (Yellow Submarine), which was very unusual at the time. They had music videos too.
They combined low art with high art to make pop music that can be respected by fans and critics alike
They did long-ass songs in an era where songs barely lasted 3 minutes
A lot of rock music are beatles clones. Like Oasis is just that.
MJ is a legend in his own right and Thriller is one of my top albums, but Beatles also left behind a huge legacy
Also Beatles is the most covered band of all time
A song like Yesterday seems like a folk hymn because it's so catchy
!https://youtu.be/NrgmdOz227IHuhhh ? The Beatles weren’t the first to make albums or long song though? James Brown exists
James Brown was one of the first recording artists to make actual albums which weren’t just a compilation of songs & he had songs way over 3 minutes
As for music videos & movies, black artists weren’t funded by the labels nor did they have money to make their own movies or short films
James Brown did all of this in the late 50s and would then go on to leave his impact on artists like Michael Jackson and Prince
If anything that’s James Browns legacy
eminem fan - check
believes in reverse racism - check
uses the term "western civilization" to assert dominance - check
clings onto the concept of cultural inheritance to feel good about your small life - check
holds black artist to a different standard than caucasians - check
sounds about white, i swear u ppl are made in the same yakubian factory
Oh btw @One Elvis Presley was bigger than MJ or The Beatles
I don’t know why you’re getting clowned for this, Elvis was definitely one of the biggest acts of all time. If he wasn’t bigger than MJ or the Beatles then he was just below them. I mean, dudes been dead for 45 years and we all know his name. “Thank you very much”, “Elvis has left the building”. They still to this day have Elvis week every year in Tennessee that lasts 10 days where everybody dresses as Elvis and turns up. His house is a major tourist attraction. Man set records that took 50 years to break. They sold $27 million worth of merchandise in 2018 alone. He’s still got 11 million monthly listeners on Spotify.
Lot of filler in his discog. But the good tracks slap. I'm certain most of his success is due to his insane dancing skills. I wish I could dance like that
People on this site genuinely believe Drake or the Beatles are MJ status
!https://youtu.be/PiFe1Z1Dt7ASold out stadiums in f***ing Japan, most of the audience didn’t speak English
He sold out Wembley stadium 7 nights in a row, that’s 500k+ people
!https://youtu.be/AoupR2HUQJoHe had Africans in small communities & villages worshipping him like a King
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMnk7lh9M3o1500 prison inmates in a facility in the Philippines Choreographed the Thriller dance
The Beatles are more popular than Michael Jackson. Can you please stop with your s*** threads/takes?
Lot of filler in his discog. But the good tracks slap. I'm certain most of his success is due to his insane dancing skills. I wish I could dance like that
he drew massive popularity before the most his moves even fully kicked in
who got videos of the Beatles being chased by villagers in the most remote and isolated areas in Africa
eminem fan - check
believes in reverse racism - check
uses the term "western civilization" to assert dominance - check
clings onto the concept of cultural inheritance to feel good about your small life - check
holds black artist to a different standard than caucasians - check
sounds about white, i swear u ppl are made in the same yakubian factory
where were you made?
I'll find it.
One of the books (of the two in the series) was inscribed by Ronda, in 1983 - a fan.
The other has this inscription:
"Look at the true spirit of happiness and joy in these boys’ faces. This is the spirit of boyhood, a life I never had and will always dream of. This is the life I want for my children, MJ."
Oh, how so sinister.
i already posted it. it was disgusting. i hold you responsible for me having to find it. it's on reddit. it's point blank proof mj was a pedo.
The Beatles are more popular than Michael Jackson. Can you please stop with your s*** threads/takes?
This simply isn't true lol but you're entitled to believe whatever you want
i'm not really an eminem fan . i'm a fan of what eminem could be. i am a fan of the idea of an eminem.
who got videos of the Beatles being chased by villagers in the most remote and isolated areas in Africa
People expect me to believe the Beatles were more known and more popular than Michael Jack when this exists
I don’t know why you’re getting clowned for this, Elvis was definitely one of the biggest acts of all time. If he wasn’t bigger than MJ or the Beatles then he was just below them. I mean, dudes been dead for 45 years and we all know his name. “Thank you very much”, “Elvis has left the building”. They still to this day have Elvis week every year in Tennessee that lasts 10 days where everybody dresses as Elvis and turns up. His house is a major tourist attraction. Man set records that took 50 years to break. They sold $27 million worth of merchandise in 2018 alone. He’s still got 11 million monthly listeners on Spotify.
And big Mike smashed his daughter
And big Mike smashed his daughter
she said they never had sex. their marriage was a dog and pony show so mj didn't look like a pedo even though he was clearly one.
Huhhh ? The Beatles weren’t the first to make albums or long song though? James Brown exists
James Brown was one of the first recording artists to make actual albums which weren’t just a compilation of songs & he had songs way over 3 minutes
As for music videos & movies, black artists weren’t funded by the labels nor did they have money to make their own movies or short films
James Brown did all of this in the late 50s and would then go on to leave his impact on artists like Michael Jackson and Prince
If anything that’s James Browns legacy
Are you aware of the existence of jazz music? Pretty much all the big figures in that genre went into it with albums in mind. And if you try to rebut that and go back further, Frank Sinatra's "In The Wee Small Hours" is the first concept album ever...As for music videos, Beatles basically invented music videos. So idk what kinda crack you're smoking
she said they never had sex. their marriage was a dog and pony show so mj didn't look like a pedo even though he was clearly one.
Keep believing that. She begged him not to divorce her and still tried to be with him for years after the divorce
mj couldn't sing, write, or dance
only thing he was good at was gyrating on defenseless boys
Imagine being so Ed to say Michael can’t dance or sing