U mean me or discman?
The pedophilia accusations are obvious cash grabs
She fell for that f***ing bait
Fell for the bait ? I literally said it was an insightful post
You're crazy and trolling for attention
The pedophilia accusations are obvious cash grabs
until you find out there are too many kids for that to be possible. mj leveraged his money against the children. every. single. time.
" Treated like comps " they were literally studio projects, James Brown is literally the godfather of R&B and one of the pioneers of black recording arts
You're being disrespectful as f*** rn
You're bringing up race as if that has to do with the concept of "albums being albums". Do you not understand the era in which that album came from? EVERY studio album(outside of jazz) was treated as a comp, regardless of what color you were. It's a bigger bang for the buck to buy an album instead of just one single, hence they put the hits along with b-sides/uncharted singles to make it a project. The thought of making an album intending for every song to meld together wasn't the norm.
The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.
this post is real tbh
It took 10 pages for that post
a f***ing sin. don't know why i didnt post that sooner
prime 50 was bigger than jackson. he had kids in uganda screaming his name.
Yo chill fr. I love 50 but this is false asf and you know it. Leave 50 out of this loser.
Fell for the bait ? I literally said it was an insightful post
You're crazy and trolling for attention
You fell for the Scaruffi copypasta...people who are actually invested into music know that it's a meme
Can you elaborate because the same can be said about Michael
Thriller is the most influential and iconic music video of time
He also changed Pop music and entertainment in general
The Beatles utilizing the recording studio is one of the biggest influences they had on the industry. Look through this if you're interested
Oh btw @One Elvis Presley was bigger than MJ or The Beatles
In America or internationally
i already posted it. it was disgusting. i hold you responsible for me having to find it. it's on reddit. it's point blank proof mj was a pedo.
Why was it not used to charge Jackson then seeing as it is point blank proof
Oh btw @One Elvis Presley was bigger than MJ or The Beatles
I grew up around that time and I ain’t ever hear anyone say “ayo play that new Elvis”. They definitely weren’t playing him at the club either.
Keep believing that. She begged him not to divorce her and still tried to be with him for years after the divorce
Yeah this is provably true. Anyone screaming about Elvis is stupid
His own daughter was calling Mike daddy
You fell for the Scaruffi copypasta...people who are actually invested into music know that it's a meme
Doesn't mean it's not insightful, did you not read my post ? All I said was it was insightful, nothing else was targeting towards that post
Lol weirdo
The Beatles also helped propel album art into what it is today. Before Sgt. Pepper's album cover most album covers were just a shot of the band and the band name + title or something
Once Sgt. Pepper's was released bands and artists started putting more money and effort into their album covers. Seriously just look at albums released in 1966 (year before Sgt. Peppers), 1967 (year of) and 1968 (year later). You can see the influence in those three years alone.
Bottom line is The Beatles were huge for their time but MJ resonated with every race and every culture on the planet with his music.
The Beatles also helped propel album art into what it is today. Before Sgt. Pepper's album cover most album covers were just a shot of the band and the band name + title or something
Once Sgt. Pepper's was released bands and artists started putting more money and effort into their album covers. Seriously just look at albums released in 1966 (year before Sgt. Peppers), 1967 (year of) and 1968 (year later). You can see the influence in those three years alone.
Easily making the same argument for Jackson about music videos
Doesn't mean it's not insightful, did you not read my post ? All I said was it was insightful, nothing else was targeting towards that post
Lol weirdo
Sorry about that. Misread it. But I'm still confident James Brown was not one of the first artists to conceive a studio album that wasn't treated as a comp
Easily making the same argument for Jackson about music videos
The Beatles practically invented music videos man
The Beatles utilizing the recording studio is one of the biggest influences they had on the industry. Look through this if you're interested
In rock or all genres ? I can see it being big in rock but I grew up with Soul, R&B, hip hop and african/american disco
It's too much to read but did it influence those genres as well or was it just rock ?
Yo chill fr. I love 50 but this is false asf and you know it. Leave 50 out of this loser.
he was huge on shady records
In rock or all genres ? I can see it being big in rock but I grew up with Soul, R&B, hip hop and african/american disco
It's too much to read but did it influence those genres as well or was it just rock ?
In every genre. Same thing with Good Vibrations by The Beach Boys...a song made up of spliced tapes