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  • May 4, 2020
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  • May 4, 2020
    2 replies

    Beatles did their run in 10 years

    MJ was bigger globally, all fact indicate this to this

    Beatles also were releasing music after the 70s, that's more than 1 decade sir

  • May 4, 2020
    4 replies

    diskette got more accusers than albums

    he aint even a disca. i call him a diskette

    irrevelant f***boy who f***ed boys.

    stole all his s*** from donna summer and motown

    quincy wrote all the s***.

    mj was a NO TALENT assclown

    don't put him and john lennon in the same sentence

    you stans pathetic

    comparing goats to pedos.

    comparing imagine to thriller

  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply
    Sunny Sun

    MJ was bigger globally, all fact indicate this to this

    Beatles also were releasing music after the 70s, that's more than 1 decade sir

    they only had 1 album in the 70s and that was Let It Be which was released in 1970 so if u wanna be technical then sure

  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply

    mj couldn't sing, write, or dance

    only thing he was good at was gyrating on defenseless boys

  • May 4, 2020

    I knew Rihanna was big but

    She’s a GOAT for sure

  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply

    diskette got more accusers than albums

    he aint even a disca. i call him a diskette

    irrevelant f***boy who f***ed boys.

    stole all his s*** from donna summer and motown

    quincy wrote all the s***.

    mj was a NO TALENT assclown

    don't put him and john lennon in the same sentence

    you stans pathetic

    comparing goats to pedos.

    comparing imagine to thriller

    Nothing you’ve said is factual

    You can’t cope that MJ was bigger so you’re trolling for attention

  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply

    MJ sales including Jackson 5?

    No but the Beatles album sales aren’t including their solo works.

  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply

    mj argument aside, strawberry fields still a masterpiece

  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply
    Sunny Sun

    MJ was bigger globally, all fact indicate this to this

    Beatles also were releasing music after the 70s, that's more than 1 decade sir

    We can celebrate MJ without having to downplay the Beatles

    My dad grew up dirtpoor in the 60s in the middle east and even they had beatles stans and changed their hair and stuff

    MJ was popular worldwide just like Elvis but Beatles at its peak was more popular than any other artist in modern history

  • May 4, 2020

    diskette got more accusers than albums

    he aint even a disca. i call him a diskette

    irrevelant f***boy who f***ed boys.

    stole all his s*** from donna summer and motown

    quincy wrote all the s***.

    mj was a NO TALENT assclown

    don't put him and john lennon in the same sentence

    you stans pathetic

    comparing goats to pedos.

    comparing imagine to thriller

  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply
    Sunny Sun

    Nothing you’ve said is factual

    You can’t cope that MJ was bigger so you’re trolling for attention

    if you understood history you would know he wasn't i'm not mad at that

    i'm mad that you pathetic stans put lennon and mj in the same sentence

    and yes lennon was a POS but he changed and tried to make amends for how he treated his first wife

    mj thought what he did to children was morally acceptable

    we're comparing a minor villian to hitler

  • May 4, 2020
    2 replies

    No but the Beatles album sales aren’t including their solo works.

    Fair point tbh, including solo works Beatles are probably a lot bigger actually, but that seems like an unfair comparison

  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply

    if you understood history you would know he wasn't i'm not mad at that

    i'm mad that you pathetic stans put lennon and mj in the same sentence

    and yes lennon was a POS but he changed and tried to make amends for how he treated his first wife

    mj thought what he did to children was morally acceptable

    we're comparing a minor villian to hitler

    MJ > John Lennon

  • May 4, 2020

    diskette got more accusers than albums

    he aint even a disca. i call him a diskette

    irrevelant f***boy who f***ed boys.

    stole all his s*** from donna summer and motown

    quincy wrote all the s***.

    mj was a NO TALENT assclown

    don't put him and john lennon in the same sentence

    you stans pathetic

    comparing goats to pedos.

    comparing imagine to thriller

    Okay I think you need a breather or something man

  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply
    Sunny Sun

    Nit pick ? It's a fact, the Beatles released 2x to 3x more music than Michael Jackson

    They literally have over 20 albums, 50 compilation albums and this isn't even counting everything in between

    You sound mad

    I’m mad not at the topic, but because you’re so f***ing argumentative and biased about it. I’m saying it from a center point without taking into account who’s music I f*** with more, solely based off numbers. Not hype, but numbers. Now the numbers are all that I’ve reported in here, not prison dancing videos or fandom. I’m not saying I’m right. But you can’t say I’m wrong when you have no factual evidence that you are right. Also, why be so defensive and stand offish. From the first thing I said in here (which was literally not attacking whatsoever) you have been a b**** and came at me as if I was coming for you

  • May 4, 2020
    2 replies

    Fair point tbh, including solo works Beatles are probably a lot bigger actually, but that seems like an unfair comparison

    Wings albums were successful too even if they are not regarded that highly these days

  • May 4, 2020

    The Beatles are definitely MJ level

  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply

    Yep insane run

    Sad that the legacy was tarnished bc of the pedo stuff 🤦🏽‍♂️ but the run was still legendary

    Man you really just felt like you had to throw that in there huh

  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply


  • May 4, 2020
    4 replies

    MJ > John Lennon

    @KIngofPop must have passed you the koolaid.

    funny how you never popped up after i posted the book the feds found in mj's house

    pedophile motherfucker mj

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