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  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply

    Wings albums were successful too even if they are not regarded that highly these days

    damn! Always forget about wings, some great songs fr!

  • May 4, 2020

    damn! Always forget about wings, some great songs fr!

    They have like the number 4 all time single in the UK which is a big music market

    Really dont get talked about much

  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply

    @KIngofPop must have passed you the koolaid.

    funny how you never popped up after i posted the book the feds found in mj's house

    pedophile motherfucker mj

    If the book you’re talking about was what you’re trying to claim it was why wasn’t he taken to prison?

  • May 4, 2020

    Wings albums were successful too even if they are not regarded that highly these days

    Totally forgot about those lol, not sure if I ever listened

  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply

    @KIngofPop must have passed you the koolaid.

    funny how you never popped up after i posted the book the feds found in mj's house

    pedophile motherfucker mj

    lmao go away dude I’m the biggest Beatles Stan on this site and MJ > John Lennon

  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply

    If the book you’re talking about was what you’re trying to claim it was why wasn’t he taken to prison?


  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply


    Bullshit lol

  • May 4, 2020

    they only had 1 album in the 70s and that was Let It Be which was released in 1970 so if u wanna be technical then sure

    They have compilation albums and various releases that release after the 70s that count for sales

  • May 4, 2020

    lmao go away dude I’m the biggest Beatles Stan on this site and MJ > John Lennon

    you can't compare a writer to a dancing pedo. i'm sorry.

    lennon was a writer. he wrote books too.

    lennon is dylan level

    mj is pedo level

  • May 4, 2020

    Fair point tbh, including solo works Beatles are probably a lot bigger actually, but that seems like an unfair comparison

    true, I gotta agree with you. @OP made a good point too when he pointed out just how many albums the Beatles have. Especially when considering they released a few region-specific albums with similar track listings under different names depending on their country.

  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply

    Bullshit lol

    i know but mj preyed on poor kids with mothers desperate for clout.

    hard to believe he pulled it off but he groomed the victims so they would feel guilty coming forward

    we're talking about a man who had romantic relationships with children.

  • May 4, 2020

    The Beatles were just more influential

  • May 4, 2020
    2 replies

    We can celebrate MJ without having to downplay the Beatles

    My dad grew up dirtpoor in the 60s in the middle east and even they had beatles stans and changed their hair and stuff

    MJ was popular worldwide just like Elvis but Beatles at its peak was more popular than any other artist in modern history

    But the Beatles weren’t bigger than Michael

    They’re too 2 with MJ but they simply aren’t number one

    Michael in his prime was the biggest artists of all time

  • May 4, 2020

    jesus has his own songs 😇

  • rvi 🐸
    May 4, 2020


    not quite lol but she is the female mj

  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply

    i know but mj preyed on poor kids with mothers desperate for clout.

    hard to believe he pulled it off but he groomed the victims so they would feel guilty coming forward

    we're talking about a man who had romantic relationships with children.

    Yet the fbi couldn’t find anything

  • May 4, 2020

    man on a real note, it’s too bad that a lot of people refuse to separate the artists music from their actions as human beings. the fact is none of us were there to witness it, why busy yourself with focusing on all the wrongdoings they may or may not have done?

  • May 4, 2020

    Hes the biggest and greatest music artist in the history of music. That can never be debated.

    the sales, the talent, the acclaim. Won't ever see anyone do it like him again.

  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply
    Sunny Sun

    But the Beatles weren’t bigger than Michael

    They’re too 2 with MJ but they simply aren’t number one

    Michael in his prime was the biggest artists of all time

    Michael Jackson had black skin during Thriller so that alone hindered his popularity in Europe and Asia for a while. We're talking about the 80s here. Beatles never had that "disadvantage".

    MJ only became more popular outside of the US than inside the US in the 90s, when his skin turned more white, it was impossible to ignore his skill and non-blacks outside the US became more comfortable with black artists. Japan, Germany and so on really went crazy after him.

    MJ had a longer career and is probably better known these days, but Beatlemania was bigger worldwide than Thriller, even if Thriller is the biggest album of all time.

    MJ as an individual is more known than any single Beatle. Influence-wise I would say they are the same. Beatles still sold more overall. I like MJ more

  • May 4, 2020
    2 replies

    discas comparing high art to a pedophile. i'm done. OUT

  • May 4, 2020

    I’m mad not at the topic, but because you’re so f***ing argumentative and biased about it. I’m saying it from a center point without taking into account who’s music I f*** with more, solely based off numbers. Not hype, but numbers. Now the numbers are all that I’ve reported in here, not prison dancing videos or fandom. I’m not saying I’m right. But you can’t say I’m wrong when you have no factual evidence that you are right. Also, why be so defensive and stand offish. From the first thing I said in here (which was literally not attacking whatsoever) you have been a b**** and came at me as if I was coming for you

    Maybe we got off on the wrong foot, I didn’t mean to come off as b****y lol

    I’m not biased I’m being objective as possible

    MJ sold just as much as the Beatles who were the biggest entertainers in history with less music

    MJ toured the globe and sold out stadiums in countries where people didn’t speak English

    Michael was relevant in African countries where Television & radio wasn’t common at all

  • May 4, 2020

    Honestly I think they’re equal in terms of popularity let’s be real. Almost anything you can say about Michael can be said about The Beatles and vice versa

  • May 4, 2020

    I knew Rihanna was big but

    queen s***

  • May 4, 2020

    Man you really just felt like you had to throw that in there huh

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