Ain’t no way that of 600k assaults 537k were black on white.
I refuse to believe this
But I also don’t know where to find stats to disprove it
Statistics are just some numbers dangerously thrown around without any real evidence.
Statistics are just some numbers dangerously thrown around without any real evidence.
Heather Mac Donald is the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a contributing editor of City Journal, and the author of the bestselling books The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture and The War on Cops.
The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture and The War on Cops.
Based on the info here, it looks like ~600,000 black on white vs. ~65,000 white on black for 2018. This data doesn’t seem to specify felonies.
So if the numbers in the tweet are for 2019, it seems pretty on par.
The population difference makes it look more drastic, but that still indicates that black on white violence is happening about 50% more often than the reverse.
(White on black violence is about 10% of black victimization, whereas black on white is about 15% of white victimization).
I think the population difference makes this look way more radical than it actually is.
Based on the info here, it looks like ~600,000 black on white vs. ~65,000 white on black for 2018. This data doesn’t seem to specify felonies.
So if the numbers in the tweet are for 2019, it seems pretty on par.
The population difference makes it look more drastic, but that still indicates that black on white violence is happening about 50% more often than the reverse.
(White on black violence is about 10% of black victimization, whereas black on white is about 15% of white victimization).
This basically
Statistics are just some numbers dangerously thrown around without any real evidence.
I find this really really hard to believe. I’d have to see the actual study
However, I do believe that media and corporations are benefiting off race baiting, so I’m sure they would be extremely quick to post something like this for clicks and ad revenue
we believe in truth over facts
I was going to find a place to fit this one in u beat me to it