Dude said stats are mathematical proof with no proof
Holy s*** go read some David Hume
i've already been attacked more than that alone so this is false
Slime Jesus the white male
If mans said the exact opposite, would mans get banned?
all cops are b****es
OP's article is an opinion piece from Heather Mac Donald
author of other greatest hits, such as
Cato gave this a bad review lol
Statistics are just some numbers dangerously thrown around without any real evidence.
If something doesn't support your beliefs it must be 1. Fake 2. Racist (ironic) 3. Not valid.
Forget the tweet in op maybe itโs true but that twitter seems pretty conservative propaganda status idk BUT people in this thread talking about statistics and facts donโt mean s*** are a joke lol
This isn't even math it's just same random tally. Just adding numbers is hardly math it's basic logic. Math would be worth criticising if someone made a statistical model based off the data that categorizes or classifies people as criminals based off race alone
If u wanna disprove this just look into the data. Chances are the term "interracial violence" is not real and many of the cases they're citing are not really interracial violence cases. I will say I know a lotta dumb ass kids who do dumb s*** like "hitting licks" even tho they're from the suburbs. If u rly don't think the music is a part of the problem ur just ignorant