still processing but I really enjoyed this, Adam had the standout performance but Don Cheadle was funny in every scene he showed up in. There’s a weird offbeat humor throughout this that I can see most people loving or being annoyed by. Also best movie ending I’ve seen all year
still processing but I really enjoyed this, Adam had the standout performance but Don Cheadle was funny in every scene he showed up in. There’s a weird offbeat humor throughout this that I can see most people loving or being annoyed by. Also best movie ending I’ve seen all year
This movie is real different from the usual Noah character studies huh
This movie is real different from the usual Noah character studies huh
definitely. it was like part 80s spielberg (but also war of the worlds spielberg), part critique on modern america which he kind of did in ‘While We’re Young’, and part Fantastic Mr Fox which i’m just now learning he co-wrote
definitely. it was like part 80s spielberg (but also war of the worlds spielberg), part critique on modern america which he kind of did in ‘While We’re Young’, and part Fantastic Mr Fox which i’m just now learning he co-wrote
I didn’t know he co-wrote Mr. Fox makes sense tho I can see how Noah and Wes style would mesh well
But damn this sounds dope. How would you rank it within his other films
I didn’t know he co-wrote Mr. Fox makes sense tho I can see how Noah and Wes style would mesh well
But damn this sounds dope. How would you rank it within his other films
frances ha
mistress america
white noise
marriage story
while we’re young
the squid and the whale
the meyerowitz stories
kicking and screaming
my rank rn, i can see it changing tho
frances ha
mistress america
white noise
marriage story
while we’re young
the squid and the whale
the meyerowitz stories
kicking and screaming
my rank rn, i can see it changing tho
damn I still gotta see some of these. I do like the meyerowitz stories but the only thing that confused me about the movie was why Adams character was so comfortable seeing his daughter naked, s*** was weird
The book so far has been pretty good. Really funny, curious to see how much of the dialogue from the book is used, Because the dialogue in the book is A1
finished this a few weeks back. very interesting novel
frances ha
mistress america
white noise
marriage story
while we’re young
the squid and the whale
the meyerowitz stories
kicking and screaming
my rank rn, i can see it changing tho
really happy to see white noise so high. obviously you're just one person but your list aligns pretty well with mine and i was starting to not like what i was hearing for some other people
really happy to see white noise so high. obviously you're just one person but your list aligns pretty well with mine and i was starting to not like what i was hearing for some other people
It really tries to fit a lot into one movie but imo it works, I’m honestly not sure if I would’ve enjoyed it less had I not read the book beforehand
frances ha
mistress america
white noise
marriage story
while we’re young
the squid and the whale
the meyerowitz stories
kicking and screaming
my rank rn, i can see it changing tho
that’s wild you got Greenberg so low. i like that one a good bit, enjoyed it more than Mistress America
It really tries to fit a lot into one movie but imo it works, I’m honestly not sure if I would’ve enjoyed it less had I not read the book beforehand
Is it character driven like his usual movies?
Is it character driven like his usual movies?
both character and plot driven kind of, the movie centers around something that happens in the 2nd act of the story but shows how Adam Driver's character and his family deal with it
both character and plot driven kind of, the movie centers around something that happens in the 2nd act of the story but shows how Adam Driver's character and his family deal with it
Ahhh sounds dope, can’t wait to see it
I must say based on that trailer, baumbach is definitely capturing the feeling and atmosphere of the novel as close as one could get imo.