Damn I loved like 3/4 of this to a very strong degree but didn’t connect with everything after a certain point.
Super impressed with Noah’s level up though. Would’ve never guessed he had Spielberg type direction in him, especially in an unflinching unironic unsarcastic sincere way
Also a tiny nightmare sequence in this that was sooo creepy. Felt like a slice of a scare that would be a highlight from a Insidious or Conjuring movie
This was kinda a let down being a fan of Noah’s work. The first hour was pretty great but then it falls off a cliff afterwards.
I’m hearing people say the original book has always been ruled as “unfilmable” and it shows because the movie was all over the place. It definitely isn’t some “disaster” movie as it was marketed as.
In fact the actual airborne event s\*\*\* only last for like 30 minutes in the 2nd act.
The movie goes from Adam teaching about Hitler to the airborne event to an infidelity story and revenge story.
I get how it’s all linked but Noah would have been better of opting out from doing a true adaptation and instead making this a strictly family dramedy revolving around the themes it touches on. The movie could have got to where it was going without the random airborne event in the middle.
movie of the year for me and it's not even close. blew everything else i've seen out of the water my god. turns delilo dialogue into shakespeare. so theatrical and absolutely committed even in its absurdity. has no right being as cohesive as it is. shouldn't work. does. all timer elfman score too.
movie of the year for me and it's not even close. blew everything else i've seen out of the water my god. turns delilo dialogue into shakespeare. so theatrical and absolutely committed even in its absurdity. has no right being as cohesive as it is. shouldn't work. does. all timer elfman score too.
future cult classic
Who’s the beautiful black woman right there
HDrip is out there
EDIT: mislabeled not out yet
where? i’m not seeing it on whereyouwatch.com
where? i’m not seeing it on whereyouwatch.com
It’s mislabeled on freemoviefull. I should’ve checked my bad
It’s mislabeled on freemoviefull. I should’ve checked my bad
Yea a couple sites had it mislabeled for a week or so now smh
Jack is the epitome of copium
Is Noah Baumbach x Greta Gerwig just Paul W.S. Anderson x Milla Jovovich but actually good?
was looking forward to this but it didn't really work for me
finished the book like a month ago and liked it, but knew it was going to be difficult to adapt. the comedic and satirical tone of DeLillo was there for the first half, but as the plot advanced Baumbach seemed to take the subject matter more seriously and the movie lost its luster imo
some of the issues I had with the book the movie couldn't avoid as well, and the slight change at the end seemed forced and trying to make up for lack of character development
also was not feeling Greta Gerwig's performance at all. she was really bad
movie was a miss for me
I was anticipating this movie and was let down tremendously. First half was great but that second half is absolute nonsense.
Huge waste of time. I want my 2 hours back
I was anticipating this movie and was let down tremendously. First half was great but that second half is absolute nonsense.
Huge waste of time. I want my 2 hours back
I loved the set up of the big cloud and the spielberg type small town dynamics and s*** but as soon as that story all of a sudden went away I lost interest
The ending scene itself was cool tho
not familiar with source material at all but knew the sec i finished this that the book was definitely one of those 'unfilmable!' ones lol.
i like weirdo, 'postmodern' asymmetrical for lack of a better word films so i do like a lot of this but i'd also echo some of the above that the last like third didn't really do it for me. nothing really offensively bad or anything but the themes and ideas and conclusion just sort of happened or were there rather than being teased out in a way that was as enjoyable as the first half in particular.
credits sequence slapped tho
Is Noah Baumbach x Greta Gerwig just Paul W.S. Anderson x Milla Jovovich but actually good?
Also has some really nice shots, but I agree with some of the sentiments itt about it being kind of disjointed and really making a point in the end. Also def feel like this was not a real ‘movie’ story
not really the films fault but kinda feel like so much of the promotional copy focusing on the airborne event not helping
I loved the set up of the big cloud and the spielberg type small town dynamics and s*** but as soon as that story all of a sudden went away I lost interest
The ending scene itself was cool tho
Noah failed us with this one bruh
He should of ditched trying to do a true adaptation of the whole book and left it at the air Bourne s***