  • Jan 2, 2023
    class wario

    not really the films fault but kinda feel like so much of the promotional copy focusing on the airborne event not helping

    At all cus then when it suddenly just goes away you’re left confused like “wait I thought this was what the movie was about”

  • Jan 2, 2023

    Jack is the epitome of copium

  • Jan 2, 2023
    Oscar Winner

    Noah failed us with this one bruh

    He should of ditched trying to do a true adaptation of the whole book and left it at the air Bourne s***

  • Gojira 🦖
    Jan 2, 2023

    This is mid

  • Jan 2, 2023

    wait did adam driver actually gain weight for this?

  • Jan 2, 2023

    damn me and @aphextwintowers the only cheerleaders for this movie

  • Jan 2, 2023
    1 reply

    I gotta hand it to Baumbach for even attempting to adapt this novel. gotta give even more props for even pulling off a good amount of it too. my issues with the book translate to issues with the movie. greta didn't do it for me as Babette unfortunately. Adam Driver was great. funny guy. the themes are there. each part of the film is adapted pretty accurately, albeit, definitely missing things here and there. pacing is just all over the place and that really contributes to the inaccessibility of it all. overall? it's decent.

  • Jan 2, 2023
    2 replies

    I was enjoying it til the 3rd act. Kinda falls apart there

  • Jan 2, 2023

    I gotta hand it to Baumbach for even attempting to adapt this novel. gotta give even more props for even pulling off a good amount of it too. my issues with the book translate to issues with the movie. greta didn't do it for me as Babette unfortunately. Adam Driver was great. funny guy. the themes are there. each part of the film is adapted pretty accurately, albeit, definitely missing things here and there. pacing is just all over the place and that really contributes to the inaccessibility of it all. overall? it's decent.

    Yea I didn’t read the book but a lot of people say it’s near impossible to adapt so I’d say this is a solid effort

  • Jan 2, 2023

    I loved the set up of the big cloud and the spielberg type small town dynamics and s*** but as soon as that story all of a sudden went away I lost interest

    The ending scene itself was cool tho

    I loved the Spielberg vibes in the first half

  • Jan 2, 2023
    1 reply

    i refuse to believe baumbach can miss so the fact that i don't like this is my fault

  • Jan 2, 2023

    Tbh u can tell from watching this with no prior knowledge of the source material that the themes/structure would work way better in a novel where you can luxuriate in this stuff a bit and you're less wedded to conventional a to b to C movie structures (or at least the expectation of same). It's that rug pull where you expect the airborne event in particular to lead to a directly related conclusion that is killing this for people imo.

  • Jan 2, 2023

    I was enjoying it til the 3rd act. Kinda falls apart there

  • Jan 3, 2023
    1 reply

    They lost me in the final act, but I sorta liked this more than expected. I think the director thought a lot about Babette’s presence and, through her character, attempted to inject a little more ‘heart’ into the narrative (perhaps to give ppl who aren’t DeLillo fans something tangible to grasp), with mixed results.

  • Jan 3, 2023
    1 reply
    Oscar Winner

    Noah failed us with this one bruh

    He should of ditched trying to do a true adaptation of the whole book and left it at the air Bourne s***

    He should have just did something else in that case. None of his major strengths or sensibilities compliment DeLillo’s style anyways. The adaptation showed more range than I expected, and there were some great scenes (especially the slower, silent moments of creeping ‘white noise’), but I’m not surprised it was a messy final product for most

  • Jan 3, 2023

    and f*** that LSD Soundsystem advertisement conclusion. ending a story like this this with a quasi music video is a travesty 😭

  • Jan 3, 2023

    They lost me in the final act, but I sorta liked this more than expected. I think the director thought a lot about Babette’s presence and, through her character, attempted to inject a little more ‘heart’ into the narrative (perhaps to give ppl who aren’t DeLillo fans something tangible to grasp), with mixed results.

    I liked a lot of things about this film but my enjoyment peaked about a 3rd of the way in. Overall the film was mostly interesting, but not fun to watch

    I really liked how Hyperreal everything felt. I didn’t like how none of the characters felt like real people but it makes sense why they were written that way

    Visuals were great too. I’m really torn on this film

  • Jan 3, 2023

    Overall didn’t really love this, but i wanna cut it some slack because I really appreciate what baumbach tried to do here and I wish we got more films of this scale

  • Jan 3, 2023

    He should have just did something else in that case. None of his major strengths or sensibilities compliment DeLillo’s style anyways. The adaptation showed more range than I expected, and there were some great scenes (especially the slower, silent moments of creeping ‘white noise’), but I’m not surprised it was a messy final product for most

    Yeah I completely loved the first half. But after the midpoint and especially soon after when the air Bourne event suddenly ended it went downhill for me.

  • Jan 3, 2023
    1 reply

    Is Noah Baumbach x Greta Gerwig just Paul W.S. Anderson x Milla Jovovich but actually good?

    U got that backwards pal.

  • Jan 3, 2023
    Abhinav Singh

    U got that backwards pal.

    bruh wtf my name irl is abhi

  • Jan 9, 2023
    1 reply
    madison beer guy

    i refuse to believe baumbach can miss so the fact that i don't like this is my fault

    Like he doesn’t have misses lol

  • Jan 9, 2023

    The movie looked nice. Best looking film this C***has other than that this was mid af like all his movies

  • Jan 9, 2023
    1 reply

    Like he doesn’t have misses lol

    He doesn’t
