Yeat before the fame:
Your average white suburban child. Some will say he looks "dorky" or "nerdy" but so what? He's being true to himself in these pictures and that's all that matters. Many of us on KTT are white nerds, myself included, it's just how Yakub made us ❤️
One thing you can see very clearly in these pictures is that Yeat is a Caucasian male. There is no question of his race or heritage.
Fast forward to the present day and Yeat looks very different.
Notice how he wears a lot of dark colours to accentuate his dark eyes, eyebrows and facial hair.
Notice how he wears a textured bandana that looks like black person's hair at a distance.
Notice how he hides as much of his skin as possible.
In these pictures he could pass for Middle Eastern, Latino or mixed race. Yet he is none of these things.
Consider also Yeat's choice of language. He has invented words like "twizzy" (substitute N word) and "bonka" which sound vaguely like AAVE to untrained ears.
I believe this racial ambiguity is a deliberate choice by Yeat, his stylist and possibly his label.
Oh cool a schizo thread
When people accuse Ariana Grande of blackfishing nobody bats an eye but I do the same for Yeat and I'm a "schizo"
Double standard for women on KTT2 as always
When people accuse Ariana Grande of blackfishing nobody bats an eye but I do the same for Yeat and I'm a "schizo"
Double standard for women on KTT2 as always
Dressing like a dumbass and making up slang is a rapper's job. If he starts using bronzer I'll ding him
Looks pretty white to me
If you saw him walking the streets in Iraq you wouldn't bat an eye
You want him to talk about white issues? Like aioli, Dimes Square & tweed?
and ants on a log, can't forget that
@OP you're WHITE??
"Notice how he wears a textured bandana that looks like black person's hair at a distance."
I thought Yeat was Mexican, were y’all lying about that or what
He's a quarter Mexican according to Google
I thought Yeat was Mexican, were y’all lying about that or what
He's 1/4 Mexican but even then, his Mexican ancestor could be white. There are a lot of white people in Mexico.
I thought Yeat was Mexican, were y’all lying about that or what
People on KTT are stupid as s*** and they were definitely tryna pass him off like he's Mexican and not white lmao
this what we got on our mind at 8am
When Yeat fills out any kinda application it's a 99% chance he's checking off the "white/Caucasian/European" box and checking off "Not Hispanic/Latino".