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  • Sep 26, 2023
    1 reply

    Wait til y'all realize there are white Muslims, white Asians, white indigenous Americans, etc

  • Sep 26, 2023


  • Sep 26, 2023
    1 reply
    Skinn Foley

    Yeah because that's how ethnicities work lmao

    so you also think that's an ethnicity

  • Sep 26, 2023
    1 reply
    paradise valley

    so you also think that's an ethnicity

    (especially in the US) a person of Latin American origin or descent, in particular a man or boy.

    I don't think anything. I know it to be true

  • Sep 26, 2023

    this is one of the wildest threads on this website and that says A LOT

  • Sep 26, 2023

    @op should be perma'd for this btw

  • Sep 26, 2023
    2 replies

    Race bait ass thread, let that boy live

  • Valentine

    Race bait ass thread, let that boy live

  • Sep 26, 2023
    1 reply

    Race bait ass thread, let that boy live

    as long as bro knows his place and isn't slandering darker skinned folks it's literally a non-issue

    race mixing is good and mixed race people should be proud of their full heritages as well as critical when necessary

    s/o the whiteboys and s/o the Latinos unless you're racist or a fascist

  • Sep 26, 2023
    1 reply
    Skinn Foley

    Wait til y'all realize there are white Muslims, white Asians, white indigenous Americans, etc

    that doesn’t mean that Yeat is not White

  • Sep 26, 2023
    1 reply
    tomorrow volverse

    that doesn’t mean that Yeat is not White

    He is white lol

    He's a white Latino. He has white skin, could very easily pass for white but I also don't think anyone would be shocked to learn he has some Latino ancestry in him either.

    Most northern Asians are white and the closer you get to the Caucasus the more ambiguous their appearances are. Race isn't so binary

  • Sep 26, 2023
    2 replies
    Skinn Foley

    (especially in the US) a person of Latin American origin or descent, in particular a man or boy.

    I don't think anything. I know it to be true

    I am from Latin America so I don't know why are trying to explain this to me...

    The US government created this fake ethnicity in the mid 70s where they basically put all these people from different countries, "races" and cultures into a single "ethnicity" because they all spoke the same language

  • Skinn Foley

    He is white lol

    He's a white Latino. He has white skin, could very easily pass for white but I also don't think anyone would be shocked to learn he has some Latino ancestry in him either.

    Most northern Asians are white and the closer you get to the Caucasus the more ambiguous their appearances are. Race isn't so binary

    "latino ancestry"

  • Sep 26, 2023
    paradise valley

    I am from Latin America so I don't know why are trying to explain this to me...

    The US government created this fake ethnicity in the mid 70s where they basically put all these people from different countries, "races" and cultures into a single "ethnicity" because they all spoke the same language

    This is true cause they label Arabs as white

  • Sep 26, 2023
    Skinn Foley

    as long as bro knows his place and isn't slandering darker skinned folks it's literally a non-issue

    race mixing is good and mixed race people should be proud of their full heritages as well as critical when necessary

    s/o the whiteboys and s/o the Latinos unless you're racist or a fascist

    Dude just making music and having fun with fashion/lyrics. There isn’t really anything to check him on, he chilling

  • Sep 26, 2023

    The goat

  • one drop rule is wild

    yeat, an american son of two american parents, is "latino" (not even a race, btw) because one of his four grandparents is from tijuana

  • Sep 26, 2023
    paradise valley

    I am from Latin America so I don't know why are trying to explain this to me...

    The US government created this fake ethnicity in the mid 70s where they basically put all these people from different countries, "races" and cultures into a single "ethnicity" because they all spoke the same language

    I'm not a mind reader my guy I can't know what your race is based on an anonymous profile on KTT2. Sorry for not realizing though

    I am aware that this was made by the census and the term is loaded with a racist context. However, when I tried to say dude was Mexican, you told me that that wasn't a valid way to describe him due to Mexican being a nationality and that Mexicans don't all uniformly share one ethnic/racial identity necessarily. So I tried to expand it to Latino in the absence of a better phrase than to point out that dude is Mexican, because he literally has a Mexican grandparent. But he's also white and is white skinned, like many people from what could be broadly termed as "Latin America" are

  • Sep 26, 2023

    "Notice how he wears a textured bandana that looks like black person's hair at a distance."



  • Sep 26, 2023
    1 reply

    He should be ashamed of being overwait

  • Sep 26, 2023

    He should be ashamed of being overwait


  • Sep 26, 2023

    "it's just how Yakub made us"

  • Sep 26, 2023

    The point isn't to deny that Yeat is white because he obviously is

    It's to say that he's not "ashamed" of being white, or is a "closeted" white person, just because he openly acknowledges his partial Mexican ancestry. That's a really f***ed up thing to say and hurts both white people and the non-white race/marginalized ethnicity at hand

    White culture and non-white cultures can both be cool and admirable simultaneously, and it's a beautiful thing to see racial/ethnic mixing

    Deadass fascistic thread rn

  • Sep 26, 2023

    bro could pass for middle eastern

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