The time someone spends arguing over the n word can be used towards accomplishing your goals.
I’ve heard various non black people say the n word. Do I react? In my head I say ok. But why would I spend my time confronting someone over a word they’re going to say anyway? That time could be used to securing future wealth, generational, wealth, and economic freedom.
Talk to me about them gas prices
Talk to me about the last time you laid your mothers and grandmothers rent
Talk to me about how you are maintaining a positive head space and focusing your attention to the closest ones around you
Talk to me about LIVING LIFE
If you are not black do not give your f***ing opinion. F*** you
LMAOOOOO "Fuck you."
to my fellow whites how many times I gotta explain.. our only loophole is rapping along to kendrick lamar
its people that were born and raised here that say it tho lol
yea but im not just talkin abt people who were themselves born somewhere else
let's say u grow up in some city where u got people who immigrated from every continent in the world living in close proximity, and your parents and grandparents are all from (just to use one example) india, and could talk for five hours about how pakistanis are bigots but themselves have only an abstract knowledge of "white" and "colored" water fountains
you're much more likely to not really get why it's so special that the word you hear in a bunch of rap songs that all your friends seem to enjoy bumping equally is (almost) the same word as one that was the last thing (American) Black people heard before (American) white people lynched them
whereas even a white kid in the burbs has parents for whom the white-Black binary is a lot more culturally central to their experience of America, and who, even if they were racist themselves, at least have an opinion on the topic that is influential on the kid
or if you're, say, a mexican who goes to thirteen years of public school with 99% mexicans, and everyone you know is a mexican except like a couple white or Black kids (like in some parts of the west and south side in san antonio), even if they teach you about slavery and harriet tubman and MLK in school, what the f*** does that mean to you when you barely even know any Black people, but you know plenty of mexicans who seem to say it every third or fourth word
i'm not saying it's impossible for someone who's a couple generations in America to get it (clearly many, many people do get it), and again, it's not an excuse or a good reason, and some people do get it and just don't give a s***
but it makes sense to me that someone with relatively short roots in America would be more likely to not get what the big deal is with this anti-Black racism thing
the internet makes this sort of cultural c0c00n (is that word still auto-deleted? lol) somewhat less likely, but as i also said, a lot of ppl are just dumb lol
I’m seriously confused when I see Hispanics and Filipinos dropping the n-bomb tbh, like some races get an exception?
I know as a Mongoloid I’m 100% not allowed to say it
respectfully no 🤝🏾 but I support the thought
the new generation of blacks are lost
Good on you for calling him out. Sounds like a cornball. What context did he use it in? Not that it changes anything, just curious as to why he felt comfortable using it
change your avy
Read above post, I’m Turkmen and I guess they’re related lol
Bruh on the real, “Mongoloid” is a racial slur to every Asian person (except south & west asians) & native indigenous people of Canada & US. No joke lol.
It’s only used nowadays derogatorily to insinuate people from those regions are naturally “Down syndrome” humans.
You need to check him. Every time I let a nonblack slide on saying nigga it ends up getting much worse down the line. Do not let them get too comfortable
Got a white b**** fired for saying nigga at work. Felt so good
Ima need the story The context of her saying it, how you got her fired etc