yeah, Jay Electronica is definitely… anti-religion. The verse doesn’t even communicate that 😂😭
*ORGANIZED religion
The imams, the rabbis, and the pope incidentally
Couldn't stop my boat, God from quoin' quotes from the senseis
Now stfu you making me look like I f*** with the wackest feature off this album lol. Like we can criticize the verse for just being another post awt boring jay electronica verse
*ORGANIZED religion
The imams, the rabbis, and the pope incidentally
Couldn't stop my boat, God from quoin' quotes from the senseis
Now stfu you making me look like I f*** with the wackest feature off this album lol. Like we can criticize the verse for just being another post awt boring jay electronica verse
the Nation of Islam is an organized religion. He’s not anti-Islam lol. Just practices a particular strain
It’s not even an argument I’m invested in idc if he’s religious or not (tho his beliefs almost certainly factor as a source of the antisemitism so it’s not irrelevant per se). I’m just not sure how anyone could come away with the interpretation that a person is “anti-religious” when their verse has multiple lines aligning them w a religious group
the Nation of Islam is an organized religion. He’s not anti-Islam lol. Just practices a particular strain
It’s not even an argument I’m invested in idc if he’s religious or not (tho his beliefs almost certainly factor as a source of the antisemitism so it’s not irrelevant per se). I’m just not sure how anyone could come away with the interpretation that a person is “anti-religious” when their verse has multiple lines aligning them w a religious group
It’s not even an argument I’m invested in
Nigga you wrote a whole essay about this verse!
This verse is too trash and badly mixed to waste characters over it. Ima just agree with you and say yes, Jay Electronica is literally hitler reincarnated and from the comfort of his discord will begin the Roc Reich
I need every rapper worth their salt doing a megamix on that first beat, flawless instrumental
Roc Marciano’s sixth sense better be on fire knowing this instrumental exists
the Nation of Islam is an organized religion. He’s not anti-Islam lol. Just practices a particular strain
It’s not even an argument I’m invested in idc if he’s religious or not (tho his beliefs almost certainly factor as a source of the antisemitism so it’s not irrelevant per se). I’m just not sure how anyone could come away with the interpretation that a person is “anti-religious” when their verse has multiple lines aligning them w a religious group
what is wrong with that dude, posts dumb s*** in every single thread Nation of Islam is obviously an organized religion
what is wrong with that dude, posts dumb s*** in every single thread Nation of Islam is obviously an organized religion
Who r u nigga?
Edit: oh a Lil B stan nvrmind. SMDFTB
i thought at first the zelensky joke bar was gonna be about him being a former comedian but it definitely wasn’t by the end of the next bar
I need every rapper worth their salt doing a megamix on that first beat, flawless instrumental
Roc Marciano’s sixth sense better be on fire knowing this instrumental exists
i can hear mach hommy and god fahim smokin that s***
As expected, this was f***ing amazing
Noname is possibly the best rapper alive. Ka, Black Thought, and billy woods are the only real competition she has in terms of just bars
It’s not even an argument I’m invested in
Nigga you wrote a whole essay about this verse!
This verse is too trash and badly mixed to waste characters over it. Ima just agree with you and say yes, Jay Electronica is literally hitler reincarnated and from the comfort of his discord will begin the Roc Reich
Setting up easy strawmen to knock down is a bad faith gesture. I never said he was Hitler, tho I wouldn’t have to bc Jay has made this comparison himself
Ppl don’t wanna actually think about what that implies in the context of his lyrical career and pretty open worldview bc they don’t care about discriminatory rhetoric unless it impacts their demographic and that myopic lack of empathy is sad.
it would be nice to act like the verse doesn’t exist but noname included it for, well, reasons… and I like her a lot so I’m invested in considering and discussing those reasons. That’s why I wrote my “essay” lol. Noname is a great artist and is deserving of serious discourse imo.
Setting up easy strawmen to knock down is a bad faith gesture. I never said he was Hitler, tho I wouldn’t have to bc Jay has made this comparison himself
Ppl don’t wanna actually think about what that implies in the context of his lyrical career and pretty open worldview bc they don’t care about discriminatory rhetoric unless it impacts their demographic and that myopic lack of empathy is sad.
it would be nice to act like the verse doesn’t exist but noname included it for, well, reasons… and I like her a lot so I’m invested in considering and discussing those reasons. That’s why I wrote my “essay” lol. Noname is a great artist and is deserving of serious discourse imo.
And when I said what she literally said (to alienate white fans like you), you proceeded to disregard it like "oh noname knows what she's doing".
Exactly why it makes sense that's why noname did what she did to alienate white fans after historically saying she don't really f*** with white fans lol.
Bruh Jay Electronica is a 5%-er NOI member. Yes, at the core politics of it, they are Anti-Semitic. I'm saying why is this a surprise all of a sudden when this nigga been doing Farrahkhan raps for the last 5 years?
And it's pretty easy to disregard the verse by just saying "hey, this is a pretty low quality and run of the mill jay verse and he doesn't have even a trinket of the fraction of power or influence that a ye got so no I won't write an essay on it."
And when I said what she literally said (to alienate white fans like you), you proceeded to disregard it like "oh noname knows what she's doing".
Exactly why it makes sense that's why noname did what she did to alienate white fans after historically saying she don't really f*** with white fans lol.
Bruh Jay Electronica is a 5%-er NOI member. Yes, at the core politics of it, they are Anti-Semitic. I'm saying why is this a surprise all of a sudden when this nigga been doing Farrahkhan raps for the last 5 years?
And it's pretty easy to disregard the verse by just saying "hey, this is a pretty low quality and run of the mill jay verse and he doesn't have even a trinket of the fraction of power or influence that a ye got so no I won't write an essay on it."
Idk why you are quoting nothing I said at the beginning of the post. if doesn’t even accurately paraphrase what I said. I see this is going nowhere fast
Noname’s second verse of Balloons is interesting. Obviously she’s critical of white consumption of Black grief, but as a subtle-ish nod to Kendrick, I’m wondering if it’s also criticizing him (and others) for selling that grief.
Idk why you are quoting nothing I said at the beginning of the post. if doesn’t even accurately paraphrase what I said. I see this is going nowhere fast
why do ppl (I think she even said this herself) keep saying “alienate her white fans” in general and not specifically jewish? It seems odd to alienate one group by doing something disrespectful to another…
you literally quoted me saying this though?
And why not specifically jewish? well I mean show me the black jews/jews of color that have militarized against noname for the verse
let's not mention how Israel dont even f\*\*\* with black jews like that either :maury:
and a lyrical juvenile pun that was forgettable imo. Jaydolf Spitler. I take it you won't be purchasing any Westside Gunn tapes? Just seeing if you keeping the same energy across the board.
why do ppl (I think she even said this herself) keep saying “alienate her white fans” in general and not specifically jewish? It seems odd to alienate one group by doing something disrespectful to another…
you literally quoted me saying this though?
And why not specifically jewish? well I mean show me the black jews/jews of color that have militarized against noname for the verse
let's not mention how Israel dont even f\*\*\* with black jews like that either :maury:
and a lyrical juvenile pun that was forgettable imo. Jaydolf Spitler. I take it you won't be purchasing any Westside Gunn tapes? Just seeing if you keeping the same energy across the board.
Noname is someone who is very articulate and very specific with her words and how she represents her ideological stances.
So yeah, naturally, people are going to be more a***ytical with her creative choices because her style of rap invites people to be as such.
She chose to collab with Jay, and she chose to keep that verse on the track, it was her decision and her decision alone.
Unless she’s completely f***ing oblivious to the connotations that verse gives and unaware of what people would make of it, she’s inviting in criticism.
Also, if it’s a condemnation of Israel as you say, why not be more explicit. Hell, you could literally call Israel a genocidal nation and get less push back then what he was saying.
In fact, outside of Zionist circles, you’d get the opposite.
Noname is someone who is very articulate and very specific with her words and how she represents her ideological stances.
So yeah, naturally, people are going to be more a***ytical with her creative choices because her style of rap invites people to be as such.
She chose to collab with Jay, and she chose to keep that verse on the track, it was her decision and her decision alone.
Unless she’s completely f***ing oblivious to the connotations that verse gives and unaware of what people would make of it, she’s inviting in criticism.
Also, if it’s a condemnation of Israel as you say, why not be more explicit. Hell, you could literally call Israel a genocidal nation and get less push back then what he was saying.
In fact, outside of Zionist circles, you’d get the opposite.
Hell, you could literally call Israel a genocidal nation and get less push back
Ask Marc Lamont Hill how that went for him.
Yes Noname is very articulate but that don't mean she can't be straight forward about s***. Yes, I truly believe she PRIMARILY kept the verse to unsettle and make uncomfortable and piss off the white fans that she has talked about constantly that unsettle and make her uncomfortable.
Think a review of Sundial actually said that too lol.
I'm just saying, everything isn't always complex